"Princess, I think we should go back to the palace now

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"Princess, I think we should go back to the palace now." She said before handing Sharrkan a small piece of paper.


When we got back the three of them went to meet with Sin and I sent myself to rest in Sin's chambers.

A couple of hours passed and the door bolted open and in came Sinbad. I hurriedly came to him.

"Is something the matter?" I asked noticing Ja'far and Yamraiha standing outside the room.

"Koutsuki, right now..." he took care in choosing his words fearing of what it would stir in me "...your siblings are fighting against Magnostadt."

My eyes widened and worry rushed within me.

"W-what?" My words came out as though accusing him of joking but his facade didn't flinch. "But, Aladdin is in Magnostadt and...and...my siblings...all of them?"

"Yes, it is a war between Magnostadt, Kou, and even the Reim empire. But a more powerful enemy showed up." Sin tried to explain but my thoughts of worry were much louder.

"Sin! Take me with you! I beg you...I-"

"I can't you-"

"But my siblings!!"

"You'll just be a burden!" Ja'far's voice boomed across the hallway but remained ringing in my ears.

The truth hurts and I couldn't find any reasoning against such a blatant argument.

Sin came closer and put both his hands on my shoulders.

"It will be alright. I'll be going to fight as well." He explained trying to calm me down.

"You're going? But Sin! If my siblings are fighting that powerful enemy you're talking about why do you...have...to....go...?" My voice trailed at the sudden realization that my siblings might be in a more dire situation than I had first thought.

"Calm down. I'll go with the alliance and help. Yamraiha can alert the remaining generals if we need more help."

A part of me wanted him to go and help my siblings but another part of me was screaming for my arms to latch on to him and never let him go.

Sin turned to the door to walk out but the other part of me managed to win the internal argument and I threw my arms and hugged him from behind.

"D-don't go...!" My voice was muffled by the clothes on his back.

Sin turned around and hugged me back. He gave me a kiss on my hair. "I'll come home safe. I'll make sure no one gets hurt. You can watch with Yamraiha at the defense tower. I promise I'll comeback to be with you." With that he turned for the door and walked away.

His back reminded me of En-nii's back. That day I last saw him. The day I wanted to prevent him from walking away and leave for Balbadd.

I shook my head violently, trying to shake away the negative thoughts. Sin said he'll comeback and keep everyone safe. He promised. Just as En-nii promised.

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