Part 20

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Joselynn p.o.v

"Here's your ticket." The service last said while handing me my ticket. "Thanks," I replied. I can't believe I'm really doing this. I put my hand in my pocket and fished out he letter.

'Joselynn. I hate to do this, actually that's a lie. You need to be back in Douglas by Thurday. You have one day, I'm sure I'll find you. If you aren't you friends will pay the price

Love jake'

He knows I'd never let anything happen to them. I slowly made my way to the terminal, before being flooded by texts. Things like are you okay and where are you? But there was one that made me cry.

Harry: Just Jos, where are you? I hope your okay. I need you in my life Jos. Please come back x

He wouldn't be anything if I had let him die by Jake. I Love them all, that's why I left.

The plane didn't take that long but I had nothing to do. No one to talk to.

Harry p.o.v - before the plane left

We had driven to the airport in hope she'd be there. I saw a sign that said that Isle Of Mann was terminal 5. I ran as fast as I could. "Jos!" I called out, after seeing someone who looked like her. I saw the ladders from the plane pull away and the plane turned around slowly , preparing to take off. I felt tears trickle down my face as Ruby put her hand on my shoulder. "She's gone," she said. I pulled her into a hug, "We'll get her back." I said into her hair.

Joselynn p.o.v

I got off the plans and grabbed my luggage before exiting the building. I have no idea where I'm meant to go. I was about to go. I was about to get a taxi when I heard Jake call out to me. I couldn't look him in the eye. "I can't believe you." I said, gritting my teeth. "I do my best," he said smiling "Which reminds me, we have to catch a plane. Don't want lover boy finding us. We're going to Ireland!" he said spreading his arms out far before returning them to his sides.


"Oh, Cheer up babe. We're in Ireland." he said reaching into my bag, retrieving my phone. I didn't have the courage to fight him. Not even when it was just us in the car. He opened the back of my phone and took the sim out.

Harry p.o.v

I stood up off the couch, "I'm flying to Isle of Mann. I'm not giving her up like this." I said. Ruby stood up next to me, "I'm going aswell. She is one of my best friends. I can't let her go like this." I ran over to Ruby's laptop, "Are you guys coming or not?" I asked. "We all need to go." Niall said. I booked us all tickets, luckily it's not that far because there are 9 of us.

No p.o.v

They spent weeks trying to find her, claiming to the press they were on holidays for a bit. They finally returned home, saying Jos had decided to stay in Isle Of Mann. Part of Harry new he should move on from Jos, that they'll never see her again. But the more dominant part would give her up. He was going to stop loving her.

Joselynn p.o.v

I felt the cool breeze hit my face. After moving to Ireland he made me dye my hair and change my name. Instead of being Joselynn Stinson I'm now Grace Andrews. Instead of having chocolate brown hair, I now have mousy brown hair and straighten it often. I opened my laptop and placed in on my lap, turning it on while watching the waves lap onto the beach. Jake didn't know I had my laptop with me, so luckily he had his first day at a new job today. I logged into my hotmail looking at the tones of emails I had been sent, but couldn't open.

It looked like Ruby had been sending me one each week. I opened the latest one:

Jos, I don't know where you are, or how you are? It's been weeks. Last. night Harry dedicated 'More than this to you. The boys say they've never seen him like this. I just wish you would come back.

Next week we're going to Ireland so the boys can finish off their tour.

Love Ruby x

Ireland? They were coming here?! This would give me a chance to get away from Jake. I pressed reply on the email. This would be the first time I've made contact with them.

Reply- ruby. I can't begin to explain. But I'm in Ireland, jake thought it would be good so you wouldn't find me. This is the first time I've been home alone and able to use my laptop. I miss you guys so much. I'll make a plan to leave and go Home with you. I love you guys so much x

P.s my Skype name is Grace Andrews

Ruby p.o.v

What I saw stopped me, I tugged Niall's arm. He looked at my laptop screen. "Oh my god." he said. "Harry, it's Jos. She emailed me back!" Harry ran over and read the email out loud. I logged onto Skype and added her.

Author note

Hey guys this story will be ending soon. But there is still a couple twists to come. Thanks for reading! Comment and vote xx

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