Part 17

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Sorry that this one has been a few days. Writers block. So this is more of a filler, again :(

Bella xx

Harry p.o.v

"Have fun, oh and Zayn remember. When you get home, and you and Kayley are a little drunk. Still remember to be careful." I said to Zayn. He laughed, "Yes yes. I know curly head. Have fun."

" I say we watch a scary movie," I said to Jos. "keck," she whispered under her breath, "Sure, we can watch a scary movie," she said hesitantly. "What will we have for dinner though?" she asked.

Jos p.o.v

"I was thinking just pizza, maybe? And what does 'keck' mean?" Harry asked me. "You do forget that I'm from Isle of Mann,I can speak Manx-Gaelic." I reminded him, "And yes pizza sounds fine." I got up and made my way to get the pizza menu and phone. "You still never told me what 'keck' means." he asked. He nevers gives up does he. "Harry, if you must know it means shit. I'm not the biggest fan of scary movies." I said. "Don't worry, I'll save you tonight."

Harry had chosen 'the exorcist'. Seriously is he trying to kill me? I've never seen this movie before but I could tell something bad was about to happen. The was a thump at the door. I jumped into Harry's arms, he laughed "It's just the pizza man." he reminded me. Pff, for all we know it could be a killer. Harry came back with the pizza and sat down next to me, handing me my pizza. "Are you going to eat that whole pizza to your self?" Harry asked me. I nodded, "Anything to keep my mind off a murderer." I replied.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing next to me. I looked up to see Harry asleep on the couch as well. I got up and walked into the kitchen.

Me-Whats up? It's 1 where are you guys?

Liam- still out. Sorry about this, do you an Harry mind coming to get ruby and Niall. I don't think more drunk people in a car would be ideal.

Me- uh, yeah sure. Well be there soon.

I hung up and went to wake up Harry. "Harry, babe you need to wake up." I said shaking his shoulders. There was no reply, "Harold!". This was useless. I got a left over piece of pizza, that Harry didn't eat. I slapped him in the face with it. His eyes shot open, "What was that for?!" I put the pizza back. "We need to go into town and help Liam get all the drunks home." I replied. Harry let out a big sigh. He got up and retrieved his new car keys. "Let's go."

"We'll take Ruby, Niall and Kayley. You get Lou, Zayn, Danielle and Eleanor." I said. Harry and I helped them into the car. "Jos! Long time, no see my friend. How is Harry?!" Ruby yelled. Oh god, she's become a lovey drunk. "He's great. An ho-" I said turning around to see ruby and Niall, snogging eachothers faces off. I turned to Kayley, who was busy trying to, what seemed like, pulling her phone apart. "What are you looking at." Kayley sneered. And there we have an angry drunk, I didn't want her to crack it at me. "Erm, just looking at Ruby and Niall."

Harry p.o.v

I walked hand in hand with Jos, up the stairs. Helping her a bit, as her crutches. Kayley and Zayn were leaning against Zayn's bedroom door kissing. "Is it just me or do we always walk up here while people re kissing? " I asked Jos. "Its no just you."

-next morning-

Kayley p.o.v

I woke up with the worst headache possible. I felt something warm under me move. It was Zayn. I got a sudden cold chill, realizing there was no blanket on me what so ever. I sat up slowly. Realizing I had nothing on. I looked to Zayn, he has nothing on as well. Shit. I got up, covering Zayn with a doona and slipping into my clothes. I made my way slowly out the door, bumping into Jos as I closed the door. "Had fun?" she asked me sipping a cup of tea. I just rolled my eyes, I felt a sudden sickness in my stomach like someone had kicked me 10 times. I ran to the bathroom.


Author note

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Bella cx

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