Memories of another life

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He grabs my wrists, making me wince because of his tight grip on my bruisers from yesterday's 'lesson'. Though I'm a fast healer, I'm not fast enough to recover from his daily beatings. It's like this every day and night. If he doesn't get the beating in in the morning, then he will definitely get it in at night. He shoves me to the ground and I begin to sob uncontrollably. I can't cry! I can't let him know I'm weak! But the tears kept coming and I couldn't stop them. He gets on top of me and tightens his grip on my wrists, making me sob louder.

"Pl-please no! St-op! Please! St-stop it!" I cry out.

I might as well be screaming at a corpse because this man is as dead as one. His heart of stone makes him the most dangerous leader you could find, and his numbness to everything going on around him makes him almost as evil as the devil himself.

He licks my neck and I squirm under him, trying to get him off. He slaps me across the face, making me freeze, knowing if I didn't, I'd get it worse. His hands roam my body shamelessly and I bite my tongue, trying not to cry. He brings his lips to my ear and I shutter when I feel his hot breath on my skin.

"Who do you belong to?" He whispers harshly.

I know what he wants me to say but I couldn't pull myself to say it. He grabs my chin angrily and sinks his claws into my pale skin. I whimper but don't try to get out of his painful grip.

"Answer me!" He says venomously.

I swallow hard, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat but it keeps coming back. I clench my hands into fists and try not lash out at him. Yes, I do have Temper when I'm not cowering for my life.

"Y-You do, A-lpha Anthony." I whisper sadly.

His hand releases my chin and he touches my cheek softly. My whole body shakes in fear as I feel his fingertips brush over my black and blue skin. I whimper but don't break eye contact, fearing he might do worse if I do.

"Yes darling, I do. Now, what are you?" His husky voice makes me flinch.

I look away from him and feel more tears prick my eyes. He has beat the answer into my head for years and now, I believe it. I listen to every word he says about me and believe them without question.

"Nothing." I whisper.

"I'm nothing." I look at him and see amusement dancing through his icy blue eyes.

He smirks and gets off of my frail body, towering above me victoriously. I pull my legs into my chest and hold them tightly, trying to calm myself down.

"That's right. Your nothing, and you never will be." He growls then begins to leave.

Without stopping he says, "you're late for your work! And Your gonna make up for the lost time too!" With that, he disappears outside.

I crawl over to the tent flap and then try to stand but the awful pain in my stomach prevented me from doing so. I slump back to the ground and whimper, trying to hold in the screams. Come on Amberley, you got to get up. I groan and suck in a painful breath. I push up and stumble to my feet, feeling very dizzy.

I hold my stomach and begin to walk out of the tent slowly. Every step makes my body scream in pain but I know if I don't get my work done, I'll wish I felt this good. I find the other females and begin helping them with the work silently. Every time I had to bend down to pick something up I would wince, which didn't go unnoticed by the other women. Many scoff at me and others whisper awful things about me, making sure I could hear. One of the older woman brushes past me and gives me a menacing smile.

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