Chapter 7 - Emanuel's Test

Start from the beginning

I walked over to the field and sat down, watching a group of boys and girls play tag. I wish I was back at my old house. And what's worse, there's no one to talk to. As I slouched, a baseball rolled across the grass and hit my foot.

???: Hey you!

I looked to see a girl who appeared to be the same age waving at me. She had short brown hair, brown eyes with red glasses, a white summer dress with flowers on it and sneakers. In her other hand she held a baseball bat.

Emanuel: Yeah?

???: Throw back my ball!

Emanuel: I have a name you know!

???: Yeah tell it to someone who cares!

I stood up to my feet as I picked up the ball. I looked at the girl, frustrated with her attitude and chucked the ball at her.

Emanuel: For you information, the name is Emanuel!

The girl quickly caught the ball before she swayed her fingers in the air. The force from the ball must have hurt her fingers when she caught it.

???: Nice to meet you too! Hey, why don't you come on over and play kid?

Emanuel: I said my name is Emanuel!

???: Yeah, I heard you the first time. So do you want to play?

The next thing I knew, I was the pitcher in a game of baseball. The girl was at bat as she got ready to swing.

Emanuel: I've never played Baseball before.

???: Oh come on, it's easy! Throw the ball already.

Emanuel: Kay!

I got into the pitcher stance and threw the ball at the girl. I literally saw her eyes flash as she swung the bat, striking the ball and it went soaring through the air. I had to admit, she was pretty good. I was next at home plate. I tapped the end of the bat on the plate before getting into my stance.

Emanuel: Alright so me what you've got!

???: Here it comes!

She threw the ball in my direction and I swung the bat with all of my might, but I missed the ball and ended up spinning around and around until I fell to the ground butt first.

???: Strike one!


???: Swing and a miss!

I didn't realize how long I was playing, but when I finally got the chance to look around and catch my breath, it was sun down. The rest of the girl's friends were already long gone, but me and the girl stuck around the park. After the last swing I was on my knees, using the bat to keep my upper body up. My arms were covered with one or two small bruises but they hurt like heck, and my clothes were a mess from all of the dirt. I was getting so angry with myself that the girl was sitting on the grass laughing, enjoying herself.

???: Ha, ha, ha! Whoa kid, you sure are fiesty.

Emanuel: I said my name is Emanuel!

???: Right well, give me a call when you learn to play. Later! Nice meeting you kid!

The girl gave me a peace sign before she took off running. I was swinging the bat into the air while yelling at her.

Emanuel: My name is Emanuel! You got that?! Emanuel, Emanuel, Emanuel!!!

(End of Flashback)

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