Chapter 40

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Skye's POV

Sitting here, looking into her eyes, or rather the image of her eyes, the memory of her eyes, her touch. Her presence. Her scent. It's been a while since I've even thought about her, but the way I feel now, with Megan, makes me think of what could have been. If she were still here. I wonder if her and I would still be together. 

Don't get me wrong, I still had feelings for Megan, but that was a mere crush. But, this, this was different. She was there initially when everything had happened. As I was there for her. 

******three years eariler*******

(Skye is fifteen, Sloan and Megan fourteen.) 

"You should totally try this."  Shelby said, handing me a piece of her food. I just stared intently at the concoction that rested in her hand. Her dark hair swung lightly on her shoulders as she waited for me to try the sandwich in her hand. Shelby was well known for her creative ways of spicing up bland everyday foods. I was still reeling from her previous attempt to combine a pb&j  and a blt. 

Beside the initial first taste, it was the smell that had gotten to me. 

"I have no desire to die at such a young age."  I teased, slapping her hand away gently. She just laughed at me, before taking a bite out of it herself. Soon spitting it back out into the bag it came in. 

"Ok, maybe it could use some changes." She said, wiping her mouth with her napkin. 


Sighing, I laid my head down on my pillow as I thought back to the first few weeks I had known Shelby. She was the first ever person I completely opened up to. I never would have thought I could have made it through what happened to me. Let alone what I tried to do to myself. She helped me understand that what happened, wasn't my fault. 

The whole time I was in the hospital, she was there. Every single day. Even when I was in a comatose state. We met when I was thirteen initially. But we were friends. As we grew older, the closer we became. 

I would help her feel better when she was down, and she would do the same for me. She was my first rock. My first best friend. My first kiss. My first everything. 

Of course I love her. She loved me. Though I was still attracted to Megan, Shelby was something written in the stars for me. At least it felt that way. Like she was the one. Though obviously I know better now. 

Megan is the one who owns my heart, but Shelby came in a close second. 

I miss her every day. And everyday I promise to go visit her, and everyday, I procrastinate. So, I might as well go now. Hopping out of bed, I grabbed my keys, and headed out to Sloan's car. I didn't say goodbye to anyone, mostly because they wouldn't be too happy about me driving again, but I didn't care. This was something that I needed to do. It's been so long since I've seen her, it feels like I'm abandoning her. 

Stopping in at the Walmart, I bought a bouquet of flowers, and drove down to the cemetery. 

Walking gingerly down the rocky path, I stopped in front of a gravestone. Even in death, her image was pure beauty. I could still remember her beautiful eyes. Every time I looked into them, it was like we were staring deep into each other's souls. It was amazing. The connection we had. 

I sat, leaning the flowers against her tombstone. Running my finger over her engraved name. I brushed away the weeds that threatened to overtake her name. That was the only thing I was able to do for her now. I could keep her memory clean, and weed free. Since I couldn't initially save her, this is how I will repay her. For every time she saved me from myself, this was the only thing I could do, to make up for not doing the same for her.

Resting my head against the cool stone, I once again succumbed into the thought of her.

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