chapter four

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I just wanna point out that one of my favourite writers is voting for my stories and I'm so freaking happy about it. I'm talking about StyPotter you should check her stories out bc they're so great, I swear! #Portuguesewriters


Dear Ashton,

I can't stop thinking about you. You're always in my mind even when I don't want it. It's inevitable to stop thinking about your beautiful eyes. They're as bright as the flame in them and shine their way inside my brain.

With love,

Ashton smiled once again at the beautiful note and reread it because that one, for some reason, sounded extremely poetic to him. Probably because it mentioned the 'flame in his eyes'. He loved how poetically powerful that sounded.

He saved the note next to the other ones but kept it a little distant from them. It was his favourite so far, he needed to let it visible to when he reads all the notes again. He may or may not read everything this mysterious person sends him when he's sad. It makes him feel better.

"There you are again, smiling at a sticky note someone left in your locker" Calum chuckled. He liked to mess around with Ashton because it was fun. He was also slightly jealous but he'd never admit it.

"Shut up. They make me happy" he mumbled the last phrase and closed his locker. They both had english together now so they calmly walked towards the classroom since they still had about ten minutes before the bell.

"I understand" Calum breathed out "Aren't you curious though?" he questioned.

"What do you mean?" Ashton asked whilst turning his head to the left to eye his best friend. The raven haired boy noticed so he looked at Ashton back.

"Aren't you curious about who it might be?" 

"Well... I wasn't before but now you're making me think about it" he frowned. 

"Sorry that wasn't my intention" Calum chuckled a little and heard him chuckle as well.

"It's fine but I'm curious now" he replied "I guess we'll never kno--" he stopped himself as he bumped into someone. He looked at the person he bumped into and - guess what - it was Luke. Again.

"Im sor-- Ashton" the blonde smiled when he noticed who it was.

"Luke" he chuckled "Why do we always bump into each other?" 

"I don't know" the younger boy replied awkwardly with an awkward chuckle and a blush. He never knew how to act around Ashton. He liked him way too much for someone he barely knew but he couldn't avoid it. He was simply breathtaking.

"Hey, don't worry about it" the elder smiled "It'd only be bad if I hated you" he said and chuckled a little, causing a big grin to erupt Luke's face. Not only because his crush was laughing but also because said crush didn't hate him.

Ashton didn't hate him. Though it seemed like nothing to most people, to Luke it was everything. Ashton didn't hate him

"I'm Calum, and you are...?" Calum stepped in since he suddenly had disappeared unintentionally. 

"Oh, erm, I'm Luke" he replied awkwardly. Ashton thought he was adorable.

"Well Luke I'd love to chat but we have a class to attend and it's about to start"

"What? No, Cal, it's fine" Ashton interjected "We can talk for a while" Luke smiled at him and felt his stomach erupt with butterflies. His crush wanted to talk to him

"Actually we really have to go" the raven haired boy insisted and Ashton didn't understand why his best mate was being so pushy but didn't question it. Maybe he was uncomfortable.

"Okay then" he sighted and the younger boy tried to not look disapointed that Ashton was leaving. He probably failed "I'll see you around, Luke" the hazel-eyed boy smiled and soon both him and Calum were gone, leaving the blonde alone in the hall.

He was alone but it didn't bother him. Usually he hated it but this time he didn't even care. Because he talked to Ashton. Ashton didn't hate him. And Ashton wanted to talk to him. 

Ashton didn't hate Luke and Luke really liked Ashton. 

He was screwed and he knew it. However he was also happy. All because his crush didn't hate him.

He was pathetic but he was also happy. And that's all he cared about. Besides Ashton, of course.


First of all, I wanna apologise for the extremely late update. Second of all, I hope this is getting somewhat cute. This ending is kinda shitty but oh well.

I hope you liked it!

Don't forget to vote/comment!

Love you xx

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