chapter two

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Updating bc I'm gonna have a lecture now and it's boring af so yay something to be happy about

Dear ashton,

You're so incredibly beautiful that when you walk in the hall it's like the whole world stops and it's just you.

With love,

Ashton smiled whilst reading the note - as always - and saved it next to the other ones.

“How come you never tell me what's in the note?” Calum asked after randomly showing up and nearly giving Ashton a heart attack.

“Okay you need to stop doing that! My heart won't last long this way” Calum only chuckled but nodded “And it's just a respectful thing. They write the notes to me, not you”

“Well okay then, lover boy. I was just asking” he replied and threw his hands up in surrender.

Ashton rolled his eyes and closed his locker, walking to his class. Calum's classroom was the first one to show up so they both said their 'see you in a bit's and went their separate ways.

As Ashton walked up the stairs he bumped into someone again and sighted cause why did this keep happening?

“I'm so sor-- Luke” he smiled once he spotted the cute blonde picking up his books “Let me help you” he bent down and helped him collect his books.

“You always seem to bump into me” he smirked with a small blush and Ashton giggled. Yes, he fucking giggled in front of a cute gu-- in front of a sophomore.

“I suppose I do” he smiled and Luke faced the ground in embarrassment “Hey here are your books” he mumbled handing said books back.

“Thank you” he smiled with his usual blush and started walking away.

“I'm sorry” Luke stopped on his tracks and faced the older boy again.

“For what?”

“I'm always bumping into you and I feel bad” he sighted

“It's fine, really” Luke was being honest. These encounters were great for him since he could look at Ashton up close and actually talk to him.

“No, it's not” he breathed and smiled once again “Let me make it up to you” that caused a gigantic blush to cover Luke's face because he imagined things he probably shouldn't have with such a simple sentence. Specially at school.

“W-what do y-you mean?” why was he so nervous? Oh yeah his crush was talking to him. It was okay to be nervous. He hated it though.

“We could hang out after school” he suggested “We could go to a café and eat something sugary or eat some ice cream” he smiled

“Ice cream?”

“You like ice cream, right? I'll pay” he smiled once again and how the hell could Luke say no?

His crush was practically asking him on a date. But without the label. Or intention. Anyway Luke was happy to just look at him so going out for ice cream was pure heaven.



“Yeah” he replied way too fast so he completed with a “I-I mean, I need to c-check my a-agenda. I might have plans ha” he nearly face palmed at how stupid and desperate he sounded and prayed Ashton didn't mention it.

“You're cute” he chuckled and Luke nearly died then and there “See you tomorrow” and with that, he walked away.

“If this is a dream please don't let me wake up”


I'm Luke in life. Jk I think my crush has a gf.

Don't forget to vote/comment!

Love you xx

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