The Death of my Parents

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Last night was the most horrific night I had ever witnessed. The screams of agony could be heard for miles and miles. My heart wrenched up in knots at the mere thought of it. I couldn't bear its pain and its heartless yelps that sounded through my ears...

I couldn't stand to see my mother that way...

"This is why I hate you! Your stupid, you slut!" My father shouted at my mother before swinging his arm back and striking her in the face.

"Ach!" My mom yelled, her body spinning around. Her head hit the table, cutting her skin open and leaving a gash in her head. The blood immeadiatly began spilling from her wound, trickling down her ghost-white face. "Please, John! Stop it!" She howled in pain, her tears mixing with her blood.

"Why should I? You're worthless, and I won't stop until you're dead!"' He hissed, reaching down his boot and grabbing a pistol. He pointed it towards my mother, smiling an evil smile. "Alice Grayson Hart,  you have violated your job as wife. You have not served me, as you should have. You are my servant! No, you were my servant. Now, you shall die!"

My mother squeaked in agony as he looked to me. "Riley Emily Hart, this is the last time you'll ever see your mother again!" He howled, cackling under his beer-bidden breath. My mom stared at me and cried.

"Riley... Don't let him hurt you! Leave!" She yelped.

"Quiet, wench!" My father retorted, kicking my mothers face and knocking her back into the fireplace. "Nothing ever was good from you! Your cooking was awful, your attitude was awful, your servantry was awful. Even the sex was awful... And you created the most worthless child ever. I don't even consider her mine." He cackled.

"Y-You pig!" She howled. He tisked, and snickered. He pulled the trigger several times as the bullets struvk my mother's body everywhere it could've hit. The blood spilled from her ears, lips, nose, stomach, head... Anywhere and everywhere you could think of...

I screamed as the breath left my mother's body. My father turned to me and snickered.

"Now its my turn!" He hissed. I shot him a sad and confused look. He reloases the gun and placed it to his own head. "Goodbye, filthy slut of a daughter. I hope we all burn in Hell." He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger as his body fell to the ground.

My jaw dropped as I stared at his body and hers, bleeding out.

It couldn't be real...

It shouldn't be real...

Yet, it was real. Real as the hair on my head and the toes on my feet.

Footsteps sounded from the hallway as I looked up to see my younger sister, Annie, in her nightgown walking down the hallway.

"R-Riley? What was that noise?" Annie whispered, rubbing her eyes.

"D-Dad killed Mommy and h-himself..." I answered. Annies looked at me, and then to the ground.

"M-Mommy!!" She cried.

I hugged my sister and cried along with her. "I know, I know..."

I stared down at them with Annie until authorities arrived. I heard knocking at the door and stared uneasily. I ran into a nearby closet, dragging Annie with me, and cried my eyes out. Authorities knocked once more before knocking the door down.

"Oh my. This is worse than it seems..." I head one voice say.

"It seems if they were killed by something... I wonder... Do ye have any idea who killed them, 'aron?" Another man asked with a thick accent of some sort.

"How would I know, Keith?" A third voice retorted. I sninffled again.

"Wait, did ye 'ere that?" The second voice stated. "I think I 'eard something..." I heard footsteps edge closer to the closet door, until more voices sounded.

"Now, I think I can handle this!" A higher voice stated.

"You, kid! Get out! This is a crimescene!" Howled the first voice.

"Pardon me, but I happen to be the Queen's gaurddog." The last voice whispered again.

"Ciel Phantomhive? You couldn't possibly be... Wait, it is you!" The man whispered. "Ah, well, feel free to search whatever."

"Who are they?" Annie whispered.

"Shh... No body can know we're here!" I squeaked.

"Ah, I hear voices..." Footsteps eased closer to the door as it slowly opened to reveal somebody I was quite surprised to see....

Avenging Annie (Black Butler FanFic) ~Book One~Where stories live. Discover now