Chapter Nineteen

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After almost a month of recovery, the day of the ball was coming upon them. Stephen was starting to doubt if going was a good idea. He steadied Ginny as she struggled out of the bed, clutching her shoulder.  She grimaced and fell against his chest.  He helped hold her up, "Maybe we should do this another day-"

"No, no it's fine. I can do this." Ginny insisted, straightening herself. "It's just an ache in my shoulder, I can handle it."

He nodded, "I will leave you to get ready then.  The coach will be here soon."

He stepped out of her bedroom, firmly shutting the door behind him.  He was happy for once on this day. Ginny seemed to be recovering nicely and his old home had been fixed up from the fire.  They would be moving back today.  She didn't know it yet, but Rosamaria would be waiting there for them. He had sent her ahead with Alfred and Cook to greet Ginny at home.  During all of the excitement over the past couple of days, Stephen had forgot to mention her sister being back home.  Rosamaria would be joining them for the ball that was being held tomorrow. Stephen had ordered a dress to be made for his wife and her sister.

He went downstairs and found the coachman waiting for him.  He handed him the fee for the trip and started loading on the light suitcases.  A few minutes later, when everything was ready, Ginny was standing at the door with Kitty loyalty by her side.  He went over to her, "Are you both ready?"

"Oi know Oi sure am." Kitty smiled, walking ahead of them, climbing into the coach.

"I'm ready to go back home." she smiled, clasping her hand in his.

It warmed him inside to think that Ginny thought of it as her home as well.  He led her out to the coach and helped her inside.  After securely locking the front door and making everything was just the way it was, he came to join her.  He climbed inside of the coach, causing it to rock slightly with his movements.  And then they were on their way back home.

Stephen watched with humor as Ginny stared out of the window in awe of the buildings flashing by.  He had forgotten she hadn't been in the city much.  She turned to him, a smile on her face, "The city is so beautiful!"

"I can take you sight-seeing sometime." He suggested.

"I would like that."

"Oh m'lady yer gonna love the city! Oi love comin' to visit my family down in London each year. Ye could come with me sometime." Kitty offered.

"I would love to meet your family, Kitty. And they are always welcome in our home as well." Ginny smiled at Stephen.

"Of course they are." He agreed.

Kitty smiled at them both, content with that. The rest of the ride was quiet as Ginny kept her gaze on the window.  Slowly the scenery outside turned from the busy city to the stretched out houses of the town, which closely turned into the great expanse of the countryside.  The coach pulled to a stop in front of their house and Stephen climbed out. Kitty nimbly hopped out as began to help with the bags. He helped Ginny down, careful to mind her shoulder.  She followed him eagerly up to the house.  He opened the door, but the sight that greeted him wasn't one that he had been expecting.  His heart constricted at the sight.

"Stephen? What's wrong?" Ginny asked, trying to peek over his shoulder.

"Ginny..." he started to say, trying to stop her but she had already shoved past him.

She stopped short, taking in everything before herStephen grabbed her and pulled her to his chest, hiding her head against him.  But it was too late, she had already seen everything.  The whiskey bottle, the body, the pistol, the much blood.  In the middle of it all was Rosamaria, the gun pressed to her head.  She looked peaceful, as if she were perhaps sleeping.  Ginny weeped, clutching his shirt.

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