Epilogue-Rosamaria Pt 2

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"Hon, how old did you say you were?" The girl asked Rosamaria again, looking skeptical.

"Eighteen." Rosamaria lied.

She had actually just turned one and twenty. But Deliah's wouldn't take any girls older than nineteen.  The girl hummed but nodded, "Alright. Do you have another name you go by?"

"Another name?" Rosamaria asked in confusion.

The girl sighed, clearly annoyed, "Something cute that the men like?"

"Oh um..." Rosamaria shrugged awkwardly

The girl rolled her eyes. "What about Emily? That will be your new name."

Rosamaria smirked slightly at that. It was a terrible twist of fate, calling herself the name of the lady that had ruined her life. 

"And what shall I call you?" Rosamaria asked, trailing after the girl up the stairs.

"They call me Pixie. Pix for short." She girl called over her shoulder. "You actually have your very first patient. Deliah was very generous in letting you here so don't screw up. We take business seriously here."

Rosamaria nodded as she nervously stepped into the room. She wanted to convince herself that she could do this. Her time here wouldn't be that horrible.

Any confidence she had left disappeared when a forty year old man stepped into the room, looking seriously drunk. He looked her over with lustful eyes and Rosamaria took a deep breath. This was all for Ginny, she reminded herself.


Towards the end of the night, Rosamaria was surprised to hear a familiar voice through her door along with the rapping of a light fist.

Rosamaria crawled off of the man she was attending at that time and hurried to the door, drawing a disappointed face. Why would her sister be here? How did she find her?

Rosamaria creaked the door open. She hated the look of relief that flashed across her sister's face as Ginny reached out to touch her arm, "Rosamaria, I was so worried about you!  What are you doing here?"

"Oh, don't pretend like you missed me," Rosamaria rolled her eyes. "Besides, I like it here. A new man every few hours, warm food and a place to sleep. It's more than you've done for me."

Rosamaria nearly choked on her own words, hoping that Ginny would somehow understand. Her sister's life was in danger and she needed to get away from Rosamaria or Emily would kill her. Panic filled Rosamaria at the thought of her younger sister's body being found in a nearby river or shot down in an alley.

"You don't mean that." Ginny pleaded, snapping Rosamaria from her thoughts.

"It doesn't matter." Rosamaria began to close the door. "I'm busy right now Ginny. I need you to leave."

"Rosa..." Ginny began to say. She placed her hand on the door. "Wait."

Rosamaria looked at her impatiently, knowing she wouldn't be able to keep up this front much longer if her sister didn't leave.  Ginny handed her a small cloth bag of food.  Rosamaria excepted it, "Thank you.  But I don't want to go home. This...this is the life I want."

"Rosamaria, please..." Ginny begged.

But Rosamaria had already shut the door.


Rosamaria woke up the next day, the area between her thighs screaming with pain. She tried to ignore it and what it symbolized for her.  She pulled herself up out of bed and slipped into a decent looking dress. After wiping off all of her makeup, she headed down the stairs to join the other girls for breakfast.

Rosamaria just hoped she wouldn't be stuck here forever. Or maybe she would accidentally die from a disease.

Both suited her just fine.

Yay, part two is done! I plan on writing a part three but I need to think about it for a long time because that is the chapter were Rosamaria kills herself.

Anyways, sorry it took me so long and thank you for being so patient!

Love Y'all
Copyright © 2017 by Rosanna Parker
All Rights Reserved

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