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Bored. Luna was bored. The pink haired child woke up from her nap to see her brother still sleeping. She got up, and out of bed ready to play. If Luke was sleeping then who could she play with? Luna giggled as she thought about the exact person who was always there to play with her.

Luna walked out of the bedroom to the couch. She tip-toed the closer and closer she got to her sleeping parents.

Lucy's head on Natsu's shoulder as they both slept.

Luna giggled quietly and decided to gently poke her dad to wake him up.

"Ugh." He groaned.

Luna giggled again and decided to do the action a second time.

"Happy, come on I'm trying to nap." Natsu says shifting his position which caused Lucy to subconsciously move her head off of his shoulder.

"Daddy." Luna whispers as she pokes his cheek.

Natsu slowly opens his eyes.

"Oh yeah, I have children now." Natsu says aloud.

"I wanna pway (play)!" Luna whispers to him.

"Why don't you play with Luke?" Natsu asks trying to get into a comfortable position as he was in before his glorious nap was interrupted.

"He's sweeping! (Sleeping)." Luna answers still whispering.

"But so was I- never mind. What would you like to play Luna?" Natsu asks her whispering back.

"Dollies!" Luna squeals.

"Shhhhhh." Natsu retorts remembering Lucy is sleeping along with Luke,"Okay, fine. I'll play dollies with you, but I don't know where Lucy keeps her dollies."

"I know!" Luna squeals.


"Oh, I know!" Luna whispers.

"Where?" He asks hoping he wouldn't have to leave the couch.

"Fowwoe (follow) me!" The little pinkette smiles and tip-toe runs out of the room.

"Guess I'm playing with dollies now." Natsu says getting up from the couch to follow the girl.

Luna holds onto two of Natsu's fingers because of her tiny hand, and is pulling him towards the grand oak stained armoire where the doll she previously saw sat next to a picture frame.

"See dolly!" Luna exclaims pointing towards the doll.

Natsu looks at the doll. He sees how close it is to the picture frame. Lucy always puts the thing she cherishes most on her armoire.

"That's mommy's dolly Luna." Natsu says kneeling so he could be at Luna's height.

"Nu-uh! Mommy is to old for dollies." Luna says laughing and shaking her head.

"She is? Well how old are you then?" Natsu asks lifting a brow.

Luna starts to count on her fingers and holds up 4 fingers.


"Well don't you think you're a little too old for dollies?"

"Nu-uh, I can play with dollies." She pouts.

"Then so can mommy." Natsu says smirking.

"Okay." She says pouting.

"You know what let's go to the market place and get a dolly for you!" Natsu says smiling.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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