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Luke, Luna and Natsu are all sitting in front of Lucy with their legs crisscrossed.

"So instead of tackling Natsu, what do you two want to do?" Lucy asks her children.

"I'm hungry mommy." Luna answers.

"Yeah mom, I am too." Luke agrees.

"Yeah Luce, I'm also hungry." Natsu adds.

"Well Natsu, you're always hungry." Lucy remarks as she places her hands on her hips.

"But Luce we just came back from a mission and we haven't been to the guild yet, so of course I'm hungry." Natsu defends himself.

"Well fine, what do you all want to eat then?" Lucy asks.

"COOKIES!" Luna exclaims.

"It is just about noon, so we should  all have lunch. How about we make some cookies for dessert?" Lucy suggests.

"Okey, mama." Luna smiles.

"Luke, what do suggest we have for lunch?" Lucy asks her son.

"Ooh, how about a sandwich, or maybe we can have chicken? I really like chicken! NO! Let's have a chicken sandwich. Wait, No! We can have chicken and sandwiches!" The blonde boy rambles.

"I like the way he thinks." Natsu smirks.

"Woah slow down, I guess sandwiches. What kinds do you all want?" Lucy asks.

"COOKIE SANDWICH!!!" Luna exclaims.

"Chicken, wait no ham! No! BLT, or uh, how about..." Luke continuously rambles on.

"Wow, I can see how you are related to Natsu." Lucy murmurs.

"Let's have grilled cheese." Natsu suggests.

"...or even- oh grilled cheese is fine." Luke decides.

"I wike (like) cheese." Luna giggles.

"Great! Grilled cheese it is." Lucy says as she walks into the kitchen.

Approximately 2 minutes later

"Wuke~nii. Daddy. I'm borwed (bored)."  Luna whines.

"Me too Luna." Luke agrees.

"Than let's have some fun!" Natsu insists. "You both are wizards right? Use your powers."

"But mom said not to use our powers in the house." Luke says.

"What! Why would she do that?" Natsu questions.

Luke and Luna burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?!?" Natsu questions.

"Mom did it because you set the kitchen on fire..." Luke explains giggling slightly.

"Oh well that's-"

"Three times!" Luke and Luna exclaim.

"Whatever. Besides that rule was only for me not you two. So you can use your powers just this once, I wanna see whatcha got." Natsu says.

"Luna! Can you come and help me please?" Lucy yells from the kitchen.

"Yes mama! Buh-bye!" Luna exclaims and runs to the kitchen.

"So what do we do now?" Luke questions.

"You could show me your powers." Natsu then suggests.

"But what if I get in trouble?" The blond boy asks.

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