Views: Sunshine and Shadows

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Alysia opened up her instagram feed, and couldn't help but grin. Harry had been taking shots that morning after they finished their yoga, and one had wound up on his ill used social media. The caption was so him.

 The yoga had been a new development. Alysia had decided to add it to her certifications, but had little experience. Harry offered to teach her, she loved the role reversal. They had stayed up all night talking and giggling in his bed, too wound up from their first date out of the house in weeks. They had celebrated a successful dinner in WeHo with exuberant lovemaking on his kitchen counter before moving to the bed.  As she lay on his chest after round two, he told her about Holmes Chapel and the scripts he was excited for. She told him about the aerial yoga studio opening down the street she wanted to try.

"Wha's that sunshine?" He'd asked.
"You hang from silks attached to the ceiling, increases your range of motion. Think Beginner Cirque de Soleil," Alysia explained to an excitable Harry. "Let me pull up a video."
They watched several together and Alysia wasn't sure she had ever felt more content than she did in the moment sitting naked between his bare legs under his fluffy white duvet.

"What do you have today, baby?" She kissed his pouty lips because she could.

"Mmmm, I need to go see Jeff to nail down plans for Dunkirk promo. But, other than that, not much. You?"

"Soccer mom stuff, and a group session," her personal training sessions were coming along nicely now that she had to focus on them until the hubbub died down, "think I'll go into Airy Yoga and talk to the owner, take a class this afternoon."

"Can I come?" Harry bounced a little.

"Yeah," she said kissing him lightly. "Suns rising, we should try to sneak in some sleep," Alysia suggested.

"Or, I can give you another lesson. Sunrise Yoga?"

So, they did literal sun salutations. When the sun was clearly over the view of LA from Harry's pool deck, he took a few pics.
"You too love, sunrise and sunshine."

"You are so cheesy!"she laughed at him.

"We are cheesy, and you love it! Smile!" He sang, then gave his mock offended face. "I don't love that I'm supposed to be the teacher in this scenario and your headstand is better than mine already. Been practicing Sirsasana in your abundant free time?"

"Um....Did I not mention that I did gymnastics for a long time?"

"When did you do all this, thought you bounced around a lot!" Harry exclaimed!

"Hey, grumpy frog, we did, but my coach sponsored me. He had tried to date Mom, but she wasn't into it I guess." Alysia shrugged and shook her shoulders. "Can we get in Savasana so we have a tiny hope of sleep, please?" pout in full effect.

Now she was looking at his post, a picture where her hair had blown from her head with the sunrise in the background. He had cropped her out, but strands of her hair blocked the sun rise. The caption read, "here comes the Sun."

Alysia smiled to herself.  He was right, she loved the cheese! It had been 6 weeks since they were outed. At first, Alysia wasn't sure they would make it, and she had had to stop teaching all of her classes. She missed her people, but a few of them had sought her out for training. And three weeks ago, Harry had stopped having to send a car to pick up the boys and Rhiannon. The furor had died down and the paparazzi had realized shots of her in the car pool line were already  boring. However, when Harry had suggested a dinner out, she was floored.

"Already?" She questioned down the phone as she packed her bag for his house." What if someone sees us, it'll start again." She tried to be calm, but her stomach was in knots.
"No, love, somewhere low key, plus, I hate treating you like some dirty secret. We are always locked up in my house, and much as I joke about never letting you leave my bed, we agreed to try to be a regular couple, right? Do coupley things?" Harry admonished.
"You're right, ok." She gave in.
"We'll go somewhere low key, ok?"
"Ok, I'll be there in an hour."

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