Alternate Ending

Depuis le début

Battle, that's what we prepared for, and now we stand in the only place the collective minds of Alice and I could gather. Some creepy abandoned playground.

Then they attacked. Edward heard them first, Jasper felt them coming, and I- well stood there. I stood there with my hands raised to the sky as lightning rained down and hit the ground all around us, creating electrified walls. Everyone moved to hidden position, leaving me in the middle with my arms raised, and I stopped the lightning. "If you want me- come get me." I growled and they all charged forward, not aware I could influence the ground they stood on.

I called on an earthquake that effected only where they stood, and that was the signal. The Cullen's all rushed forward and jumped, but then something I didn't expect happened.

What felt like the but of a gun hit me in the back of the head and I fell, my help stopped and the people who the Cullen's where attacking quickly proved to be more than human. They attacked, inhuman strength coursing through them.

It all happened so fast. I just.... I just don't understand. How can somebody be like that and not be a werewolf, not be a vampire, and certainly not be one of me. One minute we were for sure going to win. Then the next it was seeming that survival was not possible for all of us. I lunged forward decapitating someone surprisingly though to my horror he had black blood. as I stared completely shocked I want to tell Edward, or Bella, or maybe even Carlisle but that I heard someone yell my name. Turning around to see who it was and my heart swelled as I saw him staring back at me. "SHIFT!" I screamed to him, and he gave a small smirk and the steam rolled from his body as he turned into a huge wolf. Cody, my Cody, was back. One of the superhuman freaks ran up behind him, but I would not let him get his hands on my soon to be husband.

Lunging through the air I grabbed the man and let the earth open, shoving his body in down to his neck and then making it shut hard, with a shudder the light left his eyes. When the battle was said and done, and I had slaughtered countless and saved my family, never would I allow someone to hurt those I love. The ground was covered in black blood, and my skin stained up to my elbows in it, but when I ran over to Cody, who had shifted back and dressed, I threw my arms around him and wept. "Clara" His voice whispered into my hair. "Clara how could I ever forget you?"

"You never will." I cried as I held him tighter. "Forever my love. Forever." That word kept echoing in my head. We had forever for this to continue.



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Chapter 37

Wedding Plans

Answers for what those supernatural humans were that we had fought so hard never came, though Carlisle did much studying, the answers just never came. The point was they had all been killed, and if they ever came back we knew we could kill them. Alice, Rose, and Bella dragged me away from all the research I was doing, trying desperately to get answers, and took me out for the final wedding plans. Cody said he had a destination planned for our honeymoon, and I honestly cannot wait to see what that is that he has planned. The Denali's, the Cullen's relatives to the north, were on their way for the wedding, it was my first chance to meet them, and only the second time they had been able to come to Forks for a specific well intention-ed event in the last hundred years.

Twilight Morning Sky (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant