Chapter Seven: Life Has Its Mysteries

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Kousei tried to sit but tears engulfed him first. He took off the breathing mask and screamed. "Why am I like this, father? Why should I inherit mother's sickness? I should have been with my friends now if I wasn't like this."

Takahiko couldn't believe what he heard. He never told him the reason why he has congenital heart disease and so, he does not know how his son knew about it.

"Kousei, are you a coward?" Hikari asked him. "If you are, you don't deserve your girlfriend."

That made Kousei stop crying.

"She was sick but she fought her illness despite the pain and sadness she felt like what you are experiencing right now. Be strong for her," Hikari told him. "She became strong because of you.... And also... because you supported her when she needed it best. You are her strength. You are your father's strength and weakness, too."

Kousei stared at her while he's wringing his hands. He does not know how she knew Kaori's past but he understood it soon when Kaori entered the room after a few minutes.

"How are you now, Kousei?" Kaori asked him worriedly as she felt uncomfortable around him since their roles had been reversed.

Kousei stared at her with his eyes down. "I feel fine."

"It's already ten o'clock in the morning," he said to him. "Would you want to eat some breakfast?"

Kousei sighed and said yes but then, he was surprised to learn that his breakfast was only miso, a bread and a milk.

"What's wrong?" his father asked. "You don't like it?"

Kaori was smirking beside him. "What do you expect with hospital food?"

"Yeah, right," Kousei replied and he finally began to eat.

When Hikari decided to walk in the corridors to calm herself, she was surprised when she saw that Dr. Shiba and Dr. Furukawa were about to enter Kousei's room. She went outside and closed the door silently.

Furukawa Akari informed her younger sister, "Please call Takahiko-san. We can't say all of the truth in front of his child since it might gradually cause his son to panic. He's still a growing child, after all."

Hikari stared at Takahiko pitifully who was sitting near his son inside the room after she entered the room again. "Dr. Shiba and my sister's outside. They're calling for us."

Kousei overheard them. "Weren't they going here inside my room? Can't they say what's actually wrong with me here? I'm the patient, right? Shouldn't I know?"

Takahiko stood up from his seat. "Sometimes doctors talk to the parents first, most especially, you're not yet an adult. You're still a minor."

Kaori held his hand and it calmed him down. "Your father will tell you later, okay?"

Kousei began to cry again but with Kaori beside him, he was able to hold it.


Takahiko and Hikari both left the room until they finally meet up with the two doctors who escorted them inside a huge conference hall that talked about Arima Kousei's case which actually shocked him. "Wait, what's happening around here?"

"Your son's illness is serious. When I heard about it when I got here, I met Dr. Shiba and informed me about it and to help your son, I used my political power to help you," Arima Akihiro told his son as he walk closer to him. "That's the reason why we had a conference. It just ended. I'm sorry if I didn't inform you sooner."

Takahiko smiled. "That's okay. I just want to know how serious it is."

"We're still not thinking about giving your son a heart transplant. We're planning on correcting the defects first in a surgery as your son may not carry the stress of a heart transplant surgery yet," Furukawa explained to him. "He's too weak to have that kind of major operation."

They finally escorted them out of the conference hall and went to Dr. Shiba's office where he explained it further. He showed him Kousei's MRI and X-rays. "Your son has a very large hole that can't be just repaired with medicines. We tried doing so but we failed."

"When will he receive his surgery?" Takahiko asked him.

"As soon as the operating rooms are free. We still have a lot of patients having surgeries today," he explained to him.

"If he had a very serious heart defect, why didn't you do something about it already? Why did you make him rely with his medicines first?" Takahiko shouted angrily.

"We did our best, sir. He needed to rely on it as we were still examining what's really going on with him and why it's bothering him again after thirteen years after his surgery when he was an infant," Dr. Shiba told him. "You must not worry as your son can be saved. We will make sure he will survive."

Takahiko closed his eyes. "Forgive me for shouting. Still, thank you." He was definitely surprised why he never knew that his child have a heart defect and why Saki hid it from him.

Hikari stayed behind Dr. Shiba inside to wait for her sister and to talk to him more about Kousei's case.

He went out of the office and returned back to Kousei's room. It was when he saw that his son was asleep again. He sat beside Kaori.

"He'll be having a surgery. The doctor told us that the hole in his heart is too large. Please support my son, more and be strong for him."

Kaori cried bitterly. "Of course, sir."

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Symphonia (Your Lie in April/Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora