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The dining hall is buzzing with excitement and with everyone scraping plates and bowls and waiting for the team announcements, it's louder than normal. Charlie's nervousness at her family coming to see her play today hasn't affected her appetite. She's onto her second helping of bacon and eggs. Paris is sitting at the next table picking at her muesli and I can sense that she really wants to say something about Charlie's eating habits, but she's so far resisting. She sees me watching her and she gives me a glare before looking away.

I finish my breakfast and head over to dump my dirty dishes. As I head back to the table, Karen pulls me aside. "Can I talk to you for a second, Alice?"

"Sure." I let her lead me towards the doors and when I look over to my table, Charlie gives me the thumbs up. I just shrug in reply. Karen closes the door behind us and the noise is gone.

"So, Angie tells me you paid her a visit this morning."

Immediately, I'm on edge. I maybe should've gone to Karen first but when I went to see Jules, she was talking to her coach anyway. I nod.

"I just want you to understand the gravity of your request, Alice. I'm not sure you fully understand what it means for you today."

"Okay," I reply, unsure where this is going.

A couple of Brisbane squad players come down the stairs and head past us into the dining hall. Karen pulls me over to the other side of the lobby and tells me to sit on the bench seat. I do as I'm told. Karen sits beside me and folds her hands in her lap.

"Alice, you're a fantastic player, and I have no idea how you knew you'd be the one making the Brisbane side today—"

"Wait. I was the one picked?"

Karen narrows her eyes. "You were," she confirms. "Regardless of whether you knew or not, I need to know that you are one hundred percent certain you want to stick with your decision."


Karen holds up her hand. "Today is a fantastic opportunity for you to show what you can do in front of people who matter. A lot of the Brisbane club coaches are coming up today to see their players in action. They're also looking for prospects for January to take the place of players they might lose to the T20 squads, and for next summer as well."

"Oh, but, won't I still get to play though?"

Karen sighs. "Alice, Brad and I picked our squad last night, based on the fact that you would be in the Brisbane team. You have to understand that I can't just shuffle someone else out now so you can take their place."

"I don't get it."

Karen looks me right in the eyes. "Alice, if you give up your spot in the Brisbane team, you'll be carrying the drinks for our team. With Charlie gone, Angie is going to give us her reserve keeper. I won't have a place in the side for you today. I need to know if you're happy with that before I can give Angie my approval."

I think about missing out on a prime opportunity to show what I can do to more coaches. I think about how well I batted yesterday and how if I could do that again today, I could potentially be offered a spot on a club team and play real cricket on proper pitches.

And then I think about Charlie, and how she's never played in a proper match at all. Her whole family is coming to see her play. I also think about what Charlie said about not having a chance to make a T20 team because of where she lives and somehow being totally okay with that fact. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm sure," I say.

Karen smiles. "Good."

We both stand up. I walk towards the dining hall and Karen heads to the stairs. "Alice," she says.

I turn. "Yeah?"

"I'm proud of you."

I smile and push open the dining hall doors.

Alice Henderson On DebutWhere stories live. Discover now