Chapter twenty

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Intelligence and FBI race to the abandoned house. They bang on the door and announce themselves. When they get no answer they kick the door in an search the house. FBI search downstairs whilst intelligence search upstairs. Erin and Jay knock down the door to a room. 'She was here.' Erin says noticing Emilia's skirt, top and shoes on the floor. 'Where is she now?' Jay walks over to the corner of the room and notices blood.

'Erin?' He shouts over to her. Erin gets up and walks over to Jay. When she sees the blood she breaks down crying. 'Hey. She's gonna be alright.' He says as he hugs her. Just as he does Voight walks in.

'Halstead. A word.' He gruffs. Jay nods and steps outside with Voight. 'You and Erin. You a thing?' Jay just smiles and nods. 'Stay professional. Be there for her. Now get in there.' Jay smiles and walks back into Erin.

'What'd he want?' Erin asks.

'He kinda knows.' Erin opens her mouth to speak but he stops her. 'He's cool with it.'

'Okay. Now. What did this S.O.B do with my daughter?'

'The blood looks fresh. They couldn't have gone far.' Jay says. As he finishes Burgess walks in.

'Hey guys. We've got a location on Emilia.' She tells them. They sigh in relief and run out to their vehicles. They follow the patrol cars to the scene where they see firehouse 51.

'Kelly!? What's going on?' Jay shouts as he gets out of one of the vehicles. Kelly points upto the roof where Jay and Erin see Emilia. 'Oh God.'

'We're going to put the aerial up and try and get her down. We have no idea how she got up there though.' Kelly notifies them. 'She could have been put there on purpose.' As they are talking Otis puts the aerial up close to where Emilia is and climbs up. Once he gets up he sees Emilia looks scared. She's covered in blood, cuts and bruises. She has no shoes on, her hair is messed up and her make up is running down her face. 'Hey Emilia. It's Kelly.' Then he realises he's wrong. 'It's your dad. I'm going to put a harness on you so we can get you down safely.'

'No!' Emilia shouts. 'Leave me alone!'

'Emilia...' Kelly protests.

'No! Go away!' She screams. He climbs down and walks over to Gabby who is with Erin.

'She's delusional. Maybe you could go up Gabby. Try and see what's wrong.' He tells her. Gabby nods. 'She's also a bit banged up. If she's got a head injury she could pass out at any moment.' Gabby nods and heads up the ladder. Whilst she does that Kelly walks over to the rest of 51 and District 21 to brief them.

As Gabby reaches the top of the ladder she relaxes and prepares to try and get Emilia down.

'I'm not wearing the harness.' Emilia tells her.

'I'm not asking you too. Why don't we talk?'

'Talk about what?'

'What happened. Who did this to...' Gabby stops when she notices the injection site from when Emilia was drugged. 'Stay putt. Don't move.' Emilia nods and Gabby walks down the ladder. She then joins everyone. 'She's still refusing. She's got an injection mark on her neck. She was drugged. If the effects wear off she could get freaked and try to jump.' Erin gasps.

'I'll get her down.' Casey says. He says to them. They all nod and watch him climb up the ladder. When he gets up he sees the panic in Emilia's eyes. 'Emilia. It's Matt. We need to get you down.' Emilia just shakes her head. 'Okay then. I remember the first time we met. The building collapse at your school. Everyone knew that there was something about you. Something unique. Then we found out the other day that you're a Severide. You're tough like your father.' Emilia eyes fill with tears and she puts her hands on the roof to ease her way over to Matt but she abruptly stops. 'What's wrong?'

'The roof. It feels hot.' Emilia states. Casey puts his hand on the roof and radios to Boden.

'Cheif. I think the building may be on...' He's interrupted by the windows of the building shattering from the force of the fire. He putts his hand out. 'Emilia. Grab my hand.' Emilia does and Matt pulls her towards him slowly. He then helps her onto the ladder and as he does the roof explodes. He drops himself on top of Emilia to protect her and he radios through to Otis. 'Otis. Move the ladder away from the building.' Within seconds the ladder has moved and Matt carries Emilia down. Waiting at the bottom is Brett and Dawson. He puts her on the gurney and Erin joins them. The load her onto the ambulance as Kelly walks over to Erin.

'I'll be at the hospital as soon as I can.' He tells her. Erin nods and gets in the back of the ambulance. Intelligence then escort the ambulance to Chicago Med.

When they arrive Dr Rhodes and Dr Choi run out and take her to Baghdad. The order scans and blood tests. One everything had calmed down Gabby approaches Dr Choi.

'You might want to order a psyche consult. She was delusional, probally from beige drugged, I don't know. But she's been through a hell of a lot.' Dr Choi nods and Gabby walks to Brett so they can do the paperwork.

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