Josh: "Are you sure?"

Lachlan: "Take him home. With Brett here it probably wouldn't be doing him any good being in the area. The only thing I'm worried about is that obviously Brett knows where you live."

Josh: "Luckily enough we moved a few months back. So he actually wouldn't."

Rob: "Well then take him home. Once Gabe gets back make sure to ask him to start on dinner straight away. It's only 2 now but by the time we finish. And knowing him as a chef. He will have dinner ready if he slow cooks something."

Josh: "Fuck, alright I don't like the idea of leaving you guys here."

Simon: "Josh please just take me home."

Rob: "We will be fine now fuck off."

Gabe's POV

As I sat in the front next to Harry. All I could hear the entire time were theories from Preston and Mitch as to why he would still be here.

Preston: "He couldn't have been brought back. We may have the technology to bring a dead heart back to life but we can't reanimate a corpse."

(seriously look it up we have developed a machine to bring a fucking dead heart back to life and it's been successfully transplanted into a human to keep them alive. Science is fucking incredible.)

Mitch: "Well no but what if it wasn't actually him and it was another person who just looks like him? Playing the role of Brett to try and scare or get with Simon until it's too late and then when he reveals who he really is he is already in too far for anyone to do anything?"

Harry: "Sounds like some fucking James Bond bullshit."

Mitch: "It's a possibility."

Gabe: "No it's not. If that was the case why would he wait a year. Wouldn't he have tried to make himself visible at random times to make Simon start to question his sanity? Break him down mentally until he just gives in?"

Mitch: "Good point."

Preston: "Harry what do you think?"

Harry: "I think your both nuts and it's just some guy that looks like Brett and is a fan. So he played on that to scare Simon. The worst part is that knowing him this will stop him from making videos for a little bit until his brain starts to put the pieces back together. He will still be a happy guy but at the same time. His mind will be constantly ticking."

Gabe: "Sounds like it could be fun..."

Harry: "For someone with no life maybe. I don't get why they would do it though."

As we roared into the mall car park. Harry found a spot before we all jumped out. I knew what I wanted so I made sure to head straight there.

Gabe: "Everyone grab a basket. Mitch I need you to go get lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and about 3 kilos of ham. Preston can you please grab for me a tub of margarine, potatoes preferably not already cut, a bag would do. And can you also get some Worcester sauce and some tomato sauce. And Harry we need to go get a few more things but I'll need you to help me grab them. When you get everything just start looking up and down the aisles."

I walked off with Harry behind me, he knew what I would want to talk about surely.

Harry: "What do you want to know?"

Gabe: "When was the funeral?"

Harry: "Fuck I think it was May 17th, Siman said Brett's parents wanted to bury him on his birthday so they never forgot. Plus it was close too so they allowed it."

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