Getting real

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Adams POV

I spoke to a few people about the steps on getting a green card and they said we have to have evidence that we're together as a couple, photos, text messages, letters, marriage certificate etc. The best way to get the green card approved is to have nice photos. So I booked a photographer to take photos of Yasmin and I next week.

The moment She accepted my proposal for marriage made me so happy, but as soon as she added that she "had to" made my heart drop. This is all for a green card, I keep reminding myself, so i don't...fall for her.

I took her out to give her a tour of New York City. She was so happy, I don't know what excites her so much about America. She looked so beautiful once again she was wearing a little makeup, I guess. We spoke a lot to each other, and I found out she's even more beautiful within as much as she's beautiful outside.

It was a sun shower evening and we were sitting on the benches. She placed her arm on her knee and was holding her chin with her palm.

"You know Adam, when I was a little girl my mama left" she said all of a sudden.

"Left, where?" I asked curiously staring at her. I could see the corner of her eyes getting teary.

"To America, she was such a strong women, you know... her visa was accepted and the next day I woke up she wasn't there. She disappeared, she never called not a single phone call, I was only 14. After that day my father did twice the much, he worked day and night for my school fees. He never let me feel like my mother was missing. I was doing so good in school, I always got the highest in my class and one day... there was a call from someone...they said she got into an accident, they said they'll have to bury her." She sobbed and rested her head on both of her hands. I gently stroked her back.

"And you know what the sad part is dad still believes she's alive, he still thinks she's in America fine and healthy. He sent me here because he actually thinks I'm living with her or something" she said

"Yasmin your the strongest women I've ever known, Yasmin god only tests those who he loves, he only tests the patient. Just look at me, I've been through ups and downs too...I was born and raised to be a mirror of my father... he pressured me to be exactly like him , an arrogant, selfish business tycoon just like him and when I rebelled because I wanted to be a paramedic he kicked me out of his house. Yasmin your strong to keep going, your strong to face your problems, look at me I ran away from my problems".

I sighed at the thought of the beatings I got from my dad. He was the cruelest human being I have ever met. He wanted me to be just like him, but I hated the way he was and treated others, he would beat me if I rebelled. So I finally ran away when I was 18 I wasn't kicked out and since then I've never met him. My mom calls a few times here and there on my birthdays. Apart from that nothing, I haven't seen or heard about them.

I was out of my thoughts when I felt Yasmin's hand on mine.

Her eyes were still teary and Her cheeks were stained with tears. I gently wiped them with my thumb

"Your strong Yas, you dealt with everything like a pro" I said smiling she smiled back making me feel so much better.

Yasmin's POV

I was in the shower and thinking about today. I can't believe I poured my heart out to Adam, I promised myself to never trust or seek comfort in others because it would turn out exactly like my mama.

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