2. My Name is Blurryface

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**Trigger Warning. This chapter digs into a bit of Tyler's schizophrenia and a slight mentioning of a past suicide attempt though it's brief. If you feel you may get triggered don't force yourself to read. Please. Also I want you all to know coming from my own personal experiences with both depression and schizophrenia if you need someone to talk to my dm is open and so are the comments. Stay Alive Skeleton Clique. It's worth it, I promise!**

Tyler's POV

After my Dad gave me a lecture of how I should've done this and this different, I got fed up and walked away from him. It seems no matter what I did there was always criticism. What more could I do?! I basically had the scholarship in my hand. Statistically speaking at least. #1 on 3 pointers, #2 in steals. Okay yeah so I didn't have many blocked shots and a couple people here and there got past me, but I'm not a robot.. I sighed as all this ran through my head I ran right into Josh Dun who seemed to be walking in my direction, but it wasn't towards me. I couldn't see why it would be.

"Sorry.." I grumbled pushing right past him. I'm such an idiot. I had the chance to maybe talk to the guy and I shot right past him instead of giving a proper apology. He probably barely noticed. I know I wouldn't if I was him.

I drove home blasting my music through the stereo of my car. Thank God for aux cords. I thought to myself as I hummed softly along to the tunes.

I made it home and quickly changed from my basketball uniform and showered. I dried off, brushed my teeth and put on some sweatpants and a tee. All I wanted was to work on that poem from earlier. I really felt like I was getting somewhere with it. I couldn't remember where I put it last.. I checked my basketball bag, nothing. So I moved to my backpack. Nothing.

"Oh come on... Don't tell me I lost it.." I began panicking a bit, not because I didn't remember it. Of course I remembered the words. I dumped my bag out and checked in all my folders, in between all my papers, my notebooks. I could not find the paper. I sighed frustratedly and sat on my bed. The mess still being on the floor.

I felt a migraine coming on. From all directions in my head. No, no, no.. Not this, anything, but this..

They're going to find it.. Your lyrics.. Someone's gonna know it's you.. You're the only freak that sits in the back of class and writes those sick words... They're gonna know about you... How crazy you are. They're all gonna find out and then you'll be even more alone, more outcasted..

The voices.. More like the voice. He always came at the worse times.. I sat up on my bed tucking my legs to my chest and rested my head on my knees.

"Go away, Blurryface.." I mumbled into my knees.

I don't just simply go away.. I am you.. Tyler Joseph. I am your true self, why haven't you come with me yet?

"I already tried before, It's not my time to die. Go away." I said, this time a bit louder.

Is that the lie they told you? I'm the only one who accepts you as the crazy person you are.. I've always been here. When no one else was. Because no one knows you like I do. They don't want to know you. You're a freak, Tyler Joseph, a freak.

He kept talking, Blurryface. I tried just ignoring him, but it's hard ignoring the truth.

"Go away, go away, go away..." I said it repeatedly until I was crying. I sat there for hours crying begging for him to go away until my voice was hoarse. Finally by the time 4:15am came around I was fast asleep. Sitting against the wall, my face still in my legs as I held them tightly to my chest.

Two hours later and my alarm was going off. I lifted my head looking around me. The migraine was gone and the presence I felt was no longer there.

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