Knowledge of What it Could Do

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"It's done! Ha!" cried Peridot proudly. "It should be in proper working order now. You can thank me now."
Amethyst laughed. "Yeah, thanks, Peri."
"But in all seriousness, Peridot, this thing is safe to use, right?" asked Pearl.
"Well, this piece of technology is conveniently efficient. Chances are small that it could damage it's wielder."
"How small are we talking?" Garnet asked.
"Oh, I'd say only about a 8.72 percent chance, if my calculations are correct, which they usually are," replied Peridot confidently.
"Good enough for me," said Amethyst, who reached down for the item.
"WAIT!" shouted Peridot. Amethyst froze. "The way it is programmed, it will activate as soon as it is touched! And Rose Quartz was right. In our hands, it will be a one time use. Once one of us puts our hands on it, it stays on as long as the hands of the one who has their hands on it, well, keeps their hands on it! I think it would be wise to keep this thing on until Steven's gem begins to glow. You know, if it does. If it doesn't, well..."
"It will," said Connie. "It has to."
"Peridot, you said there was a slight percent chance that the user of this could be damaged through the usage of the weapon. What exactly could happen?" asked Garnet, shifting her glasses.
"What are you talking about?" Peridot asked. "You're the one with future vision!"
"It is a vision of the possibility of outcomes. But I want to know how this works. I don't want anyone to be using it unless we have proper knowledge of what it could do."
"Fair enough. The most probable circumstance would be if the device overheated or the programming went haywire, which would put stress on the physical form of the gem or the gem itself. I would not recommend a human using this device, it could permanent damage their form or fry their brain."
"Yikes," breathed Connie. "Would any of these circumstances hurt the gem it was energizing? Steven's gem?"
"I don't think so," said Peridot. "I think his gem would be fine."
Pearl stepped forward. "May I do it? I want to do this for him."
"Alright. But please be careful," warned Garnet.
Pearl nodded. She looked to Peridot, who gave an approving nod as well. Amethyst walked over with the Rose Quartz gemstone and placed it on the powering edge of the energizer. "Are you ready?" she asked. Again, Pearl nodded. She took a deep breath and placed both of her hands on the energizer. Everyone seemed to be holding their breaths.
Miraculously, the device began to glow, feeding pure energy into the little pink gem. Everyone smiled, pleased that it was working properly.
A few minutes later, Pearl said in a small voice, "Um, Peridot?"
"What is it?" asked Peridot, dropping to her knees beside Pearl and the energizer.
"Something's not right. There seems to be a loose connection. The energy seems to be channeling fine, but the programming through the start connection isn't being fulfilled as it should," Pearl said, inspecting the machine. Her hands were beginning to quiver slightly.
"Is that bad?" Amethyst asked, baffled by their technological words.
"Well... yeah, it is..." Peridot admitted.
"8.72 percent..." mumbled Garnet. "This shouldn't be happening."
"It's okay, I'm fine," Pearl reassured the others, though she was obviously not well. Her whole body was now shaking. She struggled to maintain a calm composure. She couldn't quit now because of a little miscalculation. Steven needed Pearl.
Another long minute passed, leaving everyone in a cold silence. The machine was still channeling energy fine, but it's activation through Pearl was not doing well. Pearl's pale skin paled further and her shaking grew worse.
"Pearl...?" Amethyst said, nervous.
"I said, I'm fine," Pearl hissed through gritted teeth. Obvious strain was holding her captive. But she kept her hands on the energizer with no sign of planning to take them off. Her gem glowed with the strain of the circumstance. Slowly, it began to form a crack, first barely visible, then increasing in size.
"PEARL!" Garnet shouted in fear. "GET AWAY FROM THERE!"
"NO!" screamed Pearl with determination. "I WON'T! NOT EVER! NOT UNTIL STEVEN IS SAFE! NOT UNTIL I FULFILL WHAT ROSE ASKED OF US! PLEASE, I HAVE TO DO THIS!" The noise of the machine grew to a loud shaky sound, increasing the whole tension of the situation. The crack in Pearl's gem increased as well, much to everyone's terror. Deep now, the crack continued to spread ever so slightly.
Pearl shook her head violently. Screams from the others filled the room along with the noise already invading it. No, she had to block them out. For Steven, for Rose...
That's when Steven Quartz Universe's gem fell away from the machine. Pearl gasped as her hands fell off of the energizer. The device went dormant. Though she had been on the floor already, she fell back, her head hitting the ground, worsening the crack of her gem. Amethyst let out a choking sound in horror.
"Everyone..." Peridot was more focused on the gem fallen away from the energizer. Once again, it had begun to glow, illuminating the room into ten different shades of pink. It floated upwards, then revealed an organic form in the air.
Steven Universe, long awaited, had arrived.

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