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Hatred happened between Dawn and I as we flicked each other off, cursed at each other quietly etc. I have never liked her, not even when she started to date him, I knew this bitch was a bad influence on him.

We've arrived the restaurant as we entered, a man with a suit on walked to us "How many people?" The man asked waiting for an answer "Three people" The guy nodded and walked to a table which we followed.

The table was near a window and best thing it was a booth table, I entered one side while Dawn and Craig went to the other, Dawn hugging Craig's arm still glaring at me, "bitch"

Another person went towards us introducing herself then asked what would we like to drink, I just ordered a Pepsi while Craig and Dawn ordered something else. The woman nodded and went to get our drinks.

"Oh I need to go to the bathroom! I'll be right back" Craig kissed Dawn's cheek while Dawn gave me an evil smirk.

When Craig left I made a 'tsk' sound as she giggled a bit "He's mine, ya know? He'll never like you sweetheart" She twirled a fork while I glared at her. "The only reason he's with you is because of sex, you're just a sex toy" I spat at her making her look up at me ready to kill me.

"Not true! I bet all your boyfriends used you as a sex toy, oh wait you never had a boyfriend" She laughed as my eyes widened, I wanted to slap this stupid slut "At least I'm no slut like you getting boys because of their looks while they are just getting you as a little, weak toy" I cracked my knuckles.

She laughed even more, "Stop the little acting we both know you're the weak one" Her eyes shined as she smirked "I won 4 fights, bitch I can do 1 more" I put my hands into a fist "Try me then, bitch" I was gonna but I calmed down.

I saw Craig come back, I'm so glad I didn't punch her "Hey girls, anything I missed?" He sat down and Dawn kissed his cheek "Oh nothing happened just same old, same old" I smiled as Dawn glared at me, since when hasn't she stopped glaring at me?

"Would you like to order?" The lady came back with our drinks "Yes I would get a..." I began


"The food was good, thanks Craig" I walked beside him as Dawn still glared at me "No problem, Y/N anything for our guest" I giggled when he did too, I could feel Dawn being jealous, perfect.


We entered their home as I smiled "Well we're gonna go off to bed! Night Y/N" Craig hugged me which I hugged back. I saw Dawn with wide eyes, I gave her an evil smile and flicked her off "Well night guys" I told them as Craig waved back while Dawn still being the jealous bitch.

I closed my door and sighed happily yet madly, she has to ruin everything! I took off my dress and shoes then remembered what she said "Oh wait you never had a boyfriend!" I shakily got some shorts and a T-shirt. Then I saw someone open the door and my eyes widened, it was Craig! "Y/N I'm sorry!" He covered his eyes as I changed quickly "It's fine!" I stuttered a bit as my cheeks went a dark red.

"I-i was gonna ask if you wanted to play a game tomorrow?" I nodded still not looking at him "Really? That's good! Yay!" I giggled a bit as he did that, he's a goofball which I love.

"Well night Y/N!" He smiled at me which I returned "Night!" He closed my door as I went to my bed, that was embarrassing.

Third Person P.O.V

"Baby do you love me?" Craig was confused by this question, "Of course baby, why wouldn't I?" Craig took off his shirt as Dawn smiled to herself "Make love to me then, if you really did love me" She faked her innocence "Would that really change your mind?" Craig was surprised by this request.

"Yes! Make love to me! Make me stuff you want me to do" Dawn pouted as Craig looked away, finally he sighed "Fine" Dawn smiled as she took off her shirt "Make me yours" Dawn licked her lips.

Y/N heard moaning and bed squeaking, that bitch! She made him do this! Y/N wiped her tears, I wanted to be his not that slut! "I should get rest" Y/N sighed as she got ready for bed. The noises didn't help.

"Sometimes you'll get hurt in the battle but if you believe and don't give up you will eventually win"

A/N: Shorter than the other one so sorry but I'm tired sorry guys :) I'll try to write more on the next chapter, for now you will get this much, like and comment please! Bye!

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