Chapter 2: The sin of Lust

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I woke up from a nightmare and desperately gasp for some air. I looked around the room and realize it wasn't the room I used to sleep.

 I sat up and tried to remember the nightmare I had,  I was summoned in hell by some demons. 

My attention was caught by the sudden creak of the door. "Oh, you're finally awake Queen." Jimin walked to me and sat on the corner of my  king sized bed.  

"So it wasn't a dream after all."  I mumbled to myself as I realized that the nightmare I thought was now my reality. 

"You look pale Queen, you should eat." Jimin suggested and flashed me a smile.

"I-I don't have an appetite right now." I replied. "I see, well if you don't want to eat. May I eat you instead?" He winked. 

"W-What! I-I guess I'll eat then." I stuttered. 

"Hahaha you're so cute Queen, I was just kidding. You changed your mind so quick." He chuckled. "Come on, Follow me and I'll prepare some food for you."

 I nodded as I stood up from my bed. Jimin who was heading to the door looked at me. "Although I can still give you something more delicious" He once again winked at me.

I quickly run outside the room leaving him behind. "Geez, He's really the sin of Lust huh." I mumbled. I heard him chuckle as he closed the door of my room. 

"Where are you going, Queen? You don't even know where the kitchen is." He stated.

"Then stop making fun of me and show me the way! "I demanded. He passed by me smiling. "Yes, your majesty." He said and bow a little. Geez, this demon seriously. 

"J-Jimin." I called out. "Yes Queen?" He asked as he turned around to look at me. "Um, can you tell me  first where the bathroom is?" I asked. 

"Oh that,  You actually have one in your room. I'm surprised you didn't notice. But it's okay, there's a bathroom near the kitchen." He replied.

Well If you weren't being a tease I would have actually notice the bathroom, you demon. I thought to myself as Jimin stopped showing a large door before us. Well actually most of the rooms I saw have large doors including my room. 

"Here's the bathroom I'm telling you. I'll wait here outside." He stated. I nodded and opened the door. 

"Unless you want me to accompany you inside." He smirked. "N-No Thanks!" I entered the room and quickly closed the door as I heard another chuckle from him. "Geez, this demon is making fun of me." I flustered. 

I quickly did my morning rituals as a human would do unlike these demons. I went out the bathroom and was surprise to see Jin and not Jimin. "Oh where's Jimin?" I asked.

"Oh He needed to go back to his domain for some work. I was asked to accompany you to the kitchen." He replied and flashed me a genuine smile. "Oh I-I see." I replied nodding.

"Well then let's go. I prepared some food for you, Queen.". He said as I followed him to the kitchen. 

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