the end... (not really)

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Aly's POV

My whole body was filled with adrenaline. It was pumping through out my body. I could feel the buzz and realization hit me, I'm really doing this. I'm really getting back at that whore. My head felt dizzy from the nervousness that kept making my whole body tingle with excitement and anticipation. This is it. I was cruising down a road toward her house, she's going to feel the pain. She's going to feel the pain, of almost losing a loved one, my best friend. I stopped in front of her house, I knew her parents weren't home. I didn't have a real plan set in my mind, but what ever it was... once I'm done with her, she'll be begging for mercy. My eyes filled with tears, remembering what she had done to me, she made a conscious choice to hurt me. Now it's her turn. I stepped out of my car, and locked it without another thought, and walked right into her house. My eyes scanned her familiar house, the family portraits, the priceless furniture. My eyes then traveled up the stairs to where she must have been. I made my way up the stairs, and busted open the door. My eyes were filled with anger. Anger. She caused this. I was having those second thoughts everyone gets when they are about to do something extremely risky. My hands began to shake, and I saw her. She stood not far from me, she obviously had not heard me come in. I was about to yell out to her when I heard her whisper something.
"I'm a terrible person." my brow furred, what is she talking about?
"I broke her heart, I broke them up. I'm a terrible person, I'm selfish and rude and snobby, I don't deserve to live. I can't live with this anymore." I suddenly realized she was on the phone. "You can't stop me now. It's over. I'm done." She clicked the end button and raised a small gun to her head. All anger dissipated and I snatched the gun out of her hand. She looked up in surprise to see me.
"Your not killing yourself."
"A-Aly?" She asked her eyes growing big, tears welling in her eyes.
"Shutup. I'm talking." I snapped. "You broke me and Max up for selfish reasons, I came here to get revenge but you are obviously too upset about that, so I'll let it slide for now."
"Wait." Her voice went from scared to icy cold. "You think I care about your relationship with Max? Fuck no. You could die in a hole and I could care less. Get out of here Aly. Let me be, and technically that's called breaking and enter-" I couldn't hold it in any longer I took a baseball bat that was sitting not far away and hit her across the face. She fell back in surprise, letting out a yelp of pain in the process. I grinned my teeth together, anger was coursing through my body like you wouldn't believe.
"You fucking bit-" I took another swing and hit her in the arm. She yelped again and started to back away when I was about to swing again I was held back.
"Aly, no. Relax." Max's comforting words flowed into my ears and I let my tense arms rest at my side. Max tool the bat from my hand and out it on the ground. Max then looked at Lyndsey and spoke.
"Lyndsey, what ever happened, I suggest you don't mess with us again."
"I could call the police! She beat me with a bat!" her screechy voice pierced my ear drums and made me want to lunge at her but I stayed put as still as I could.
"Shut the hell up Lyndsey. Listen, you got what you deserved. So leave us alone, you got it? I don't want to hear you run your mouth." Suddenly Max noticed the gun sitting on the floor. Before he could grab it, Lyndsey held it in her hand. Her arms were shaking and she held the gun to us. Making us stand our distance away.
"Don't come any closer! I'll shoot!" She screamed, looking terrified. Her hands gripped the pistol as though it were her life, or maybe the other way around. Her hands were turning white from clutching the gun.
"Lyndsey. Put down the gun. Surely we can work something out." Max said sounding oddly relaxed. I stood their mutely watching the situation unfold before my own eyes. The way her finger started to move slightly back on the trigger, the way her eyes glanced at me, and I saw the sadness and depression taking over my eyes. In the last seconds I didn't see my enemy. I didn't see my ex-best friend or even the girl that tried to break up me and Max. I saw my childhood friend. I saw that sweet, bubbly, happy, loving girl, that was my best friend. I saw the girl who would laugh and cry with me for so many years. I saw the girl that would tell me everything was going to be alright, when we both knew it felt like the end of the world. In those last few seconds, I saw my best friend, the one that never stopped being one. That's when she turned the gun on herself, her piercing scream from the bullet echoing through out the house. Her body, helplessly falling to the floor.

I'm not going to tell you ight out if Lyndsey is dead or not. Lol sorry and the next chapter I haven't started yet but I'll try to write it soon! Btw, to dark_star87, since you are my first fan person (sorta kinda) that I don't already know off the internet, I just wanted to say, I'm dedicating this chapter to you. Thank you so much! :)

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