the breakup

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  • Dedicated to Alexandra Patel (i love you like a sister <3)

Max's POV

"It's over?"
"Yeah! Can you believe it?!"
"Why do you have to break up with Aly?" John asked for the zillionth time to me and if I wasn't do stressed right now I would have rolled my eyes at him. But I am stressed. I have to break up with her. I don't even think I can say her name. Every time I think of her and her face when I tell breaks my heart.
"Tell me the story again." John ordered.
"I got a text from Roy, and it said I have to stay away from her and break up with her or he'd hurt Elle. I can't tell her either or Elle will be hurt Zack."
"How could he get Zack out of prison?" John asked furring his brows.
"I don't know. But he must have some way. Roy must really hate me because I put Aly in danger."
"Are you sure it's Roy who texted you?"
"Yeah. He said 'I found out just tonight' Aly had told him only a half hour or so earlier." I explained, letting my eyes drop to the floor. John nodded his head.
"Maybe you could secretly date her?" John asked, giving me a small smile.
"John. As much as I hate to admit'a over. I have to break up with Aly. Like tomorrow. I'll take her out then break the that good?"
"I feel like your just leading her on..." John said honestly.
"Then what?"
"Tell her tomorrow during free period. In the garden. It'll be better that way. Just do it quick." I nodded on agreement, and sighing in disappointment at the same time. It's over.

Aly's POV

I got a text at about 7:35am. I looked over and saw a text from Max.

'Meet me in the garden during free period?'

'Sounds good! :)' I texted back, I wonder what he's got planned! It could be something fantastic... what if he got me a super pretty necklace because he loves me! I sighed in happiness. Everything was great. I have absolutely nothing to complain about. The best brother ever, good friends and an amazing boyfriend. Mom and Dad haven't been here lately... they said something about a vacation. It's weird. I shrugged it off and continued getting dressed and headed downstairs, humming.
"Hey little sis." Roy said passing me a cup of coffee, a bagel and my lunch. Roy has been like mom since my parents are gone. "Max picking you up today?" He asked. I blushed, remembering he knew.
"Nah actually Steph is getting me. Max is helping John with something I think." He nodded and I waved goodbye and headed out the door to Steph's car. She had honked about 5 minutes ago, and if I don't come out in 10 minutes she comes IN and gets me! I was actually quite scared when she burst into my room one time. I chuckled at the memory and took a seat in the passenger seat.
"So what's up?" Steph asked as she scanned my face.
"Max is meeting up with me at free period in the garden."
"Oh cute! Maybe he got you something!" Stephanie cooed as she drove and I blushed.

Max's POV

"John I can't do this! I'm going to break Aly's heart! She'll hate me. I mean I thought I could last night but now... now I'm scared as hell! I can't do it!" I said close to tears.
"Max. Just say it. I know it's going to hurt.... But you have to." I nodded knowing he was right. When free period came along, I sat in the garden humming some song I forgot the name of. I knew it was some heartbroken love song but I couldn't help it. That's how I felt. Heartbroken and in love. I sighed when Aly came in. She didn't see me right away, her eyes squinting from the sun. She looked so beautiful, I loved her. I really did. With all my heart. That's when she saw me. Here I go...

Aly's POV

I spotted Max and he got up from the bench he was sitting on and I walked toward him. A smile making it's way to my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He just stood there though. Is he okay? I looked at his face confused, his whole face looked sad. I gave him a confused look. Then he mumbled something that I couldn't hear.
"What was that?" I asked. With a slight hesitation, he answered me. It was no present. Or a beautiful romantic moment. It was 5 words I would have never guessed would pass his least not to me.
"We need to break up."

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