the get-together

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Aly's POV

"ALY BONDALY! WAKE UPPP! TIME FOR SCCHHOOOLLL!" My head was torn away from my beautiful pillow to see Roy bouncing on my bed.
"Roy?! It's 7am! Mom said I could say home today!"
"Well Roy here says your going to school. So get up or I'll send that picture of you and Mr.cuddles to the whole school...."
"I'm up! I'm up!" I yelled, grumbling all the way to the bathroom. I got in and straightened my hair enough so it was still wavy and put on some light makeup. I then got out of the bathroom and changed into some white skinny jeans and a red top that just made my boobs like bigger. I put on a long black necklace and slipped on my black converse with red paint stains on them. I stepped out of the bedroom and grabbed my north-face and a grey scarf. I threw them on and grabbed some coffee and an apple and hopped in Roy's car.
"Your ready?" Roy asked amused, and I nodded my head. We took off to school, and I got out and grabbed my bag then skipped into school to see Steph.
"I can't believe you got locked in a hospital with a murderer and got down and dirty with Max in a closet, then almost fell out of a 5 story hospital, then cuddled with Max and cried into his chest only to fall asleep in his arms." Steph said all in one sentence. "I just have one question." I waited patiently for her question when she suddenly blurted it out. "WHY DIDN'T YOU INVITE ME?!" I couldn't help but laugh at my best friend. Oh how she could make me crack up.
"Hey." Suddenly I felt hands around my waist and air breathing down my neck. Stephanie's eyes almost popped out of her head.
"Cya in home room!" She said sprinting away. I turned around to face Max. He smiled at me.
"So I figured we could go on a date Friday night..." He trailed off looking uncomfortable.
"No thanks."
"Are you busy?" he asked confused.
"Nope. But I'll set something up with Steph."
"Why would you do that?"
"Because I don't want to hangout with you? I thought it was obvious." I said rolling my eyes.
"But I kissed you."
"Yeah and?"
"You responded, and you liked it." My face turned bright red, remembering the moment in the janitors closet.
"Well I thought I was about to die." I said, turning away and going to open my locker.
"Al, you can't tell me that didn't mean anything to you."
"It didn't."

Max's POV

I couldn't take it anymore. The kiss didn't mean anything to her? Not possible! I'm a great kisser... I grabbed Aly's face and pulled her to me. I touched her lips to mine and my world felt amazing. This wasn't fireworks, this was an atomic bomb. I was just blown away. I moved away a little and looked straight into her deep green eyes.
"Does it still mean nothing to you."
"Max... Why are you doing this to me?" her words surprised me and I tilted my head.
"Doing what?" She grabbed my wrist and dragged me around the corner, away from everyone's eyes.
"Why do you keep trying to kiss me and keep doing this to me?!"
"What am I doing?" I asked again.
"Why are you making me love you?" I smiled, my whole face just brightened.
"I love you and I can't help it. I'm drawn to you. Aly you are beautiful and sweet and when you blush... I can't help but want to hold you. I never want to let you go. You laugh is hypnotizing. Your eyes are irresistible. Every time I look into them... I just want to kiss you, and hold you in my arms forever. You make me happy, you make me feel like no one as ever made me felt. Aly I'm not trying to do anything. I just love you." Her eyes had gone wide and my heart beat faster. I told her I loved her. I told her that I loved her. Would she say it back? Was I supposed to say it first? Oh no she's not saying that a bad sign? Suddenly her lips met mine. Her tongue made its way into my mouth and my whole body relaxed as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I heard Aly whisper into my lips, it was barley audible but I knew what she said, a smile forming on my lips.
"I love you too." Aly loved me. She loved me back. There was no holding back now. All I wanted was to be with her forever.

Like? I did! Bout time, they got together! haha! anyway, picture of elle on the side! Comment and vote please, thanks!

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