mystery date?hm?

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Max's POV
Hey max, so what were you saying about picking me up early tomorrow?

  I sighed, Aly. How am I going to go through this, just life in general with realizing I was so close to kissing my best friend? It's not like I can put it out of my mind either,  it's just stuck in there.  That same second where her deep green eyes had gotten wider with the closer I had gotten. Geez what was I thinking? I mean Aly is my best friend! And what about Lyndsey? I checked my phone again,

5 missed calls- Lyndsey Cell

  I rubbed my face in frustration. Damn this day has been such a mess. There was then a knock at my door. I immediately acted like I had passed out a while ago, I mean it was 1am but Lyndsey would come see me anytime.  Suddenly it opens.
"M?" My face lifted and my brightened a bit.
"El!" I whisper yelled, and jumped up to hug my older sister. Elle is my older sister who's in college and I miss her a ton. She's been there for me for everything, and here she is.
"What are you doing home?" I asked smiling.
"What are you doing acting like your sleeping? Mom and dad wouldn't care anyway." Suddenly my face dropped. Damn she would be able to see I'm acting strange.
"Aly, Lyndsey."
"Ah girls. My little brother, please start to from the beginning." She sad sitting on my bed and pulling me down next to her. She crossed her legs and waited expectantly. I told her about me and Lyndsey broke up and why and how Aly and I almost kissed.  "Aw M, so I guess you like Aly?"
"Al? How though? I didn't like her before."
"Maybe you did but you dismissed it as brother-sister love, you know?" El asked tilting her head giving me a sad smile.
"Yeah makes sense, but what about Lyndsey? Do I just not like her anymore?"
"M, you know I don't know how you work, or guys really for that fact. I've had the same boyfriend my whole life." She smiled and sighed at the thought of Liam. "Anyway, just wait a few days and get used to your feelings, maybe they'll change again. Right now though, it's 1:30am so you should go sleep it still is only Thursday." I nodded and agreed and flopped down on my pillow pulled up the blanket.  El laughed and lightly shut the door behind her. I snuggled into my bed. Will my mind change? Will I love Lyndsey again soon enough? Is it all just a phase? God did I hope so.

Aly's POV

I waited patiently for his response to my text, but it was already close to 1am so I lay down on my bed and shut my eyes thinking. Just thinking. About today and Max, did he think of me as a sister or something more? Hmm...

  Aly fell asleep thinking of Max and his words at the fair. "....Never,  ever, ever let a guy do that to you.... Nobody can treat you that way..." He of course was like her brother but why? Her thoughts turned into dreams. She imagined Max walking up to her, holding her how he had at the fair. Except of the speech though he whispered three words: I love you.

  "ALLLLLYYYY BAD-AAALLYYY! WAKEEEUPPP!" Aly sat up in her bed and slapped who ever was screaming. Then stopped when she saw Max holding his face and looking at her in surprise. "Aly!"
"Max I'm sorry! I was dreaming and-and I don't know you scare me."
"I see that." He said grumbling in pain. Aly glanced at her clock and saw the time- 6:00am.
"Max! It's only 6am! I'm going back to bed."
"Oh no your not! I tried texting you last night but you didn't answer."
"Maybe because I was sleeping, I don't do no sleep."
"I see that, come on though."
"Just come on. put this on." Aly looked at the sparkly strapless dress in confusion.
"Um no."
"Why not??"
"Because I don't do skimpy dresses. Especially not this early in the morning." I said rolling my eyes.
"Trust me, just do it." She looked at Max and realized he was wearing a tux. She sighed.
"Fine  but if I look dumb at lest you do too." Max laughed a bit then pushed me into the bathroom with he dress. I slipped it on and put on the black heels Max had brought me as well. I then put on dark grey eye shadow and mascara. This has to be important so I put on makeup just in case. I just put some cherry chap stick on because I already liked the color of my lips and with the chap stick it just made it a darker red. My dark green eyes really popped with my lightly tanned skin. I slipped on a small green heart necklace that Max had given me for my 14th birthday. When I came out Max smiled and handed me my bag.
"Let's go." He said grabbing my wrist and pulling me down stairs and into his jeep,  with his help of course. 
"Where are we going?" I said anxiously, he just smiled.
"Just wait Al, it's awesome." I sighed and sat silently. We suddenly pulled up to the school. Damn it nobody else was dressed up.
"Oh no. There's no way I'm getting out of this car looking like this."
"You mean hot?"
"N-no I mean I don't want to attract attention." I said while Max had gotten out and was pulling on my arm to get out.
"Get out Aly."
"Yes." He said, grabbing my waist and putting me on the ground then clicking his button on his keys,  locking the car.
"God damn it." I said upset.
"Come on."
"No." I whined annoyed, why is he doing this?
He grabbed my waist and leaned in.
"Do it or I'm putting you over my back like a sack of potatoes, and people will see up your dress." I gasped and pouted while Max tilted his head and looked at me sadly. I sighed.
"Ugh fine." He smiled a little and helped me into school. I let him lead me down the hallway silently. We got to a classroom and walked in.
"Yes Max? Aly? Well don't you two look nice today."
"Yeah, we're here for that...thing."
"Oh yes? We aren't accepting any more students though."
"My dad won't like that."
"Mr. Miller?"
"Yes sir."
"Oh...well two more volunteers couldn't hurt huh?" Max nodded satisfied. I looked between them confused, what was this about?

Any guesses? :D

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