Chapter 1: Called

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Hey so this is going to my first book that I promise I will update as much as possible, so I hope you enjoy


"YEAH! Hey you little bitch!" Delirious yelled prompting Vanoss to blow up yet another car. 

"FUCK!" Delirious yelled

"Jade! Come here!"

Delirious's P.O.V
I mute my mic as soon as I hear my name. My sister Alyssa opened my door suddenly and stood tense in the doorway. I see the phone in her hand. I sigh.

"The assistant land lord wants you... again." She tells me holding the phone.

"Um ok, hold on..." I say putting my head phones back on.

"DELIRIOUS!" A screech from every one pounded through the head set.

"FUuUuUuKk!" I rip my headphones off and jump up from the chair, falling to the floor.

"Are you ok Jade? Cuz it seems you have fallen." Ally says tilting her head to one side.

I roll my head over and look at Alyssa, "No captain, I didn't fall I promise." I say sarcastically and look up at the ceiling. I get up and turn the volume down. "Hey guys I," I noticed my voice changer wasn't on, I click it on and yell as if it was my sister who had said that. "Alyssa! Go away, hey guys I have to go sorry, land lord again haha." As soon as I say that, I quit the Skype call and log off.

"Alright gimme da phone." I say clamping my hands repeatedly while walking towards Ally. I take the phone and immediately feel my stomach turn. I knew what this was about.

"A-um, hello, Ms.K?" I question. I soon hear her British voice chime.

"Hello Ms.Denis, unfortunately you have not paid your bills as you have been asked to. You have 30 days to pay or pack up,-"

"Wait, No, Hold on I have two months till I get paid again, if you could just wait I-"

"Money does not wait! I'm sorry but you have to... but I... I'll see if I can get the board to change their mind and get you more time if you at least pay a quarter of the full expense."

"I-I'll try I promise don't worry." I say, I was starting to hear my own voice tremble.

"Alright Ms.Denis I'll see what I can do. We will discus this farther, later." She stated and the call ended. I take a deep breath and look to Ally, a grim look plastered on her face.

"I'll go get Blake and Owen." Ally says turning out of the door frame stiffly and walking away.


Alright that was the first chapter and I know it wasn't long but had fun writing it so I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing, I promise to update soon! 🙂

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