Chapter 21

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Here we go!!!! we were finally find out what happen between Athan and Meredes what pushes mercedes to get rid of Angelina and what did Athan though about her disappearance? Well see on this chapter

Athan's pov

Lying on the bed with Mercedes I felt something is not right she is my mate I forgive her no matter what she had done to me.I did forgive her because that's the right thing to do she is my mate and I can't turn my back on her she's here the woman I've been waiting for so long to come back, but yet something is missing a piece of me cannot be completed with her single touch it makes me double think if I still love her or maybe I'm just thinking about the mate stuff that is why I'am still choosing her.....over Angelina.... Those days before Mercedes came back she bacame closer to Harry I watched her smile and laugh so many times they spent more time together I thought that's the right thing to do to let her fall in love with Harry so it's easy for me to let her go.

but it fucking hurts to see her with him it hurts to see that I'm not the only one who can make her that happy and with that someone is replacing my place in her heart.

she loves me not only because I knew about her, but I feel it and I only gave her rejections and nothing but that I though she just reminds me of Mercedes, but yet I was wrong they were different Angelina has real love and purity while Mercedes is materialistic all about pleasure,lust but not love I just realized it just now, I sighed deeply as my gaze landed on the face of my mate she was reading my expression but I tried to hide it

"what's wrong?" she asked while kissing me on neck.

"nothing" was all I could say she must not push that I'm afraid I could loose my patience and tell her that I was thinking about Angelina, she sat on top of me trying to seduce me and get me on the mood for sex but Iwasn't in that mood today for that,

Her kisses get's deeper way down to my chest but I took a hold on her hands and pull her away from me.

"what is wrong with you!!!!!" she yelled on top of her lungs wrong move, she should not yell at me specially when I'm not on the mood she stood on the corner of the bed I do the same and run my fingers through my messy hair.

"I'm not in the mood okay?" i told her with growl.

"and why? Your thinking about what Athan? You think I didn't notice? You're with me but your mind is flying and surely be landed on that girl" and there it is she knew I was thinking about her and this fight will go all the way until dawn.

"don't push this Mercedes you came back and I'm still can't believe that you will come back actually" she stood infront of me her face is full of fury and madness.

"and if I didn't what? You will continue your romance with that slave huh? Don't try to deny it Athan you are inlove with her!!!" she was staring at me and when she saw the answer in my eyes she slap me across my face.

"you can't blame me!you left me and she is the only one who gave me the moments that you couldn't provide when you're not around she gave me light when I was in the dark! she made me live my life when there's no life for me to live without you!!! But you know what? I still chose you over her she gave me love but I gave her goodbye!!"

i cried like a teenage boy who fell in love with a wrong girl cried because I love Angelina and I'm honestly regreted I gave her in and I knew it was too late she will sooner to be with Harry and she will be more than alright with him he will never hurt her and he will protect her he could give her everything I couldn't give.

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