Just as another one of those chuckles escaped Ludwig's lips, Mr. Yao locked the door and began his Art History class. It couldn't have gone by slower, Feliciano was at a crossroads, between wanting this class to never end so he could stay longer by Ludwig's side, and wanting the class to end immediately so he could get the hell out of there.

Ludwig made him feel so many different things, and it was confusing him, so he figured that he should just get away from him so he could think his mind through. After all, it was just a measly crush.

When Mr. Yao finally dismissed the class, Feliciano hurriedly shoved all of his books into his backpack and practically ran out of the classroom, well, that was his plan. What really happened was that he had forgotten to zip his bag up, and all of his books and notebooks ended up scattered on the floor around his desk.

Dropping to his knee's, he frantically gathered his books from the floor when a hand holding his sketchbook slid towards him. The hand was connected to the man with blue eyes clearer than a cloudless sky. Ludwig.

"Thank y-you," he stammered, taking the sketchbook from his hand and shoving it all in his backpack once again, making sure to zip it.

Ludwig only offered him a smile and a nod before gathering his own stuff and leaving the classroom. Feliciano was stunned, his heart hammered, his stomach turned, and he felt like he could die of embarrassment, but that smile gave him the life he needed to walk out of the classroom with enough confidence to not look like his world had just ended.

While walking back to the dorms, he saw Gilbert lounging around on one of the park benches, his earbuds in and he was watching his phone. Feliciano had something that he had been meaning to ask him, and this was his chance.

"Gilbert?" said Feliciano timidly.

Gilbert didn't even notice him as he continued to watch the small screen, Feliciano walked closer, and tried again a little louder.

"Gilbert!" he called, but still no reaction from the white haired man. Eventually Feliciano just walked up to Gilbert and yanked out one of his ear buds. "Gilbert!" he tried.

Gilbert looked confused at first, but then spoke into the microphone on the wire that he had to go, and that he would call them back later. On the screen was a man who looked like they were slightly busy, the screen was constantly moving around, as if he was trying to FaceTime while walking around. He had brown hair and thin glasses, and Feliciano could tell by his accent that he wasn't German, or Italian, or French, or American or anything that he was used to hearing. Once Gilbert switched off his screen and began putting it and the earbuds in his pocket the situation hit Feliciano.

"Oh, I'm sorry Gilbert I didn't know that you were in the middle of a phone call!"

Gilbert just ran his fingers through his hair, "Nah, it's okay. I'll just call him back later, so what did you need Feliciano?"

"Oh, I had a question. Um, the... guy that you saw and talked to the other day at the café... who is he exactly?"

Gilbert was confused, "What?"

"Like, who is he to you?" He could feel his cheeks heating up with each word that he spoke.

"Oh, well, Ludwig is my brother." That was all he needed to say for Feliciano to practically sigh with relief. "Why?"

Sucking that breath back in, Feliciano felt his nervousness returning. He couldn't tell him that he likes his brother and that at first he thought the two of them were dating. No. "Oh, I was just curious, you were hugging him the other night at the café. I've never seen him before and you would have to be really drunk to just go up to some stranger and hug him so..." he trailed off, kicking at he dirt with the toe of his shoes.

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