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An indescribable awkwardness was the only illustration for how Alduin felt as he was forced to mount a young dragon named, Faasnuarrlok, as he carried Alduin through the sky. Many cultists followed the example as they all prepared to embark for Skuldafn. However as a dragon, to ride a dragon, was something Alduin never wished to experience again.

Needless to say Alduin was glad when it was over. Skuldafn was exactly as he remembered it: dank and filled with anger. He had never entered its interior before and the molded walls and overwhelming stench of death was enough to make him wish he didn't have to now. But the feelings of desperation and fury that brought him here the last time still lingered in the stone, poisoning the air with a past he still couldn't come to terms with.

Alduin grit his teeth in an attempt to keep these old feelings back as he was the first to enter, greeted by a draugr who bowed knee in respect. The Dovmonah entered after him, dismissing the ancient skeletal warrior with a wave as though it were her spell that kept it bound to his service. The others filed in half in awe and half in terror as none of them had experienced this crypt before.

Not as many as he'd assumed would had come with them. There were atleast fifteen dov including Vulsaqhonvol's closest guard, Mulmulnir, who escorted a small company of pregnant joor, and give or take a dozen cultists.

They chattered excitedly amongst themselves as they proceeded to explore the ruin, leaving Alduin alone with his mother as they headed straight for the portal's entrance.

The air felt crisper now that they were on top of the ruin than when they had first arrive on the ground, the new height leaving Alduin victim to the chilling winds of the region. But the cold was the least of his concern as he watch his mother circle the portal's entrance, staring at its center like a savage hunger lingering in her eyes like any dragon just before they killed their prey.

"Going to kill me now that I've fulfilled my purpose to you monah?" She laughed as though to were a joke, turning her covetous stare upon Alduin as he spoke.

"Don't be so hasty, son. You still need to open the portal for me." He scoffed knowing then any shred of the kindness and compassion she once had was entirely gone. "But, before we proceed there's another matter I need your help with."

"What is it now?"

She rounded the corner, casting the portal one last yearning glance before turning her attention fully to Alduin as she came to stand beside him. "I'm still not at my full prowess which I will need to be before we enter Sovengard."

Alduin frowned, she was already capable of reviving dov and playing with their souls as she willed, a height not even he could have ever reached, how much more powerful did she need to be? "If you are only going to retrieve the flame, why do you need to grow in power?"

"There are...complications." She hesitated in a way that told Alduin he wouldn't like what she was referring to. "Dangers. That I will need to contend with and-"

So she did recognize there could be risks. He was beginning to wonder if she even saw failure as an option or if she was utterly certain there could be no downfall to her schemes.

"If it's so dangerous why bring your precious mothers here?" For a flash of a second her perennial smile cracked, her face warping to kind of vicious hostility making Alduin involuntarily step back from her. As quickly as it left her smile returned, but now Alduin knew what she was hiding behind it.

"Do not question me on this matter further, son." Her voice was smooth as ice but her eyes were still burning with the hatred she kept suppressed inside her. "Now, where can I find the girl the twins found you with hm?"

The sun exploding and pouring fire down onto the world would have gone unnoticed to Alduin over the sound of his heartbeat in that moment. "I don't know who you're talking about."

The dovmonah could hear his heart racing within him and her intrigue only increased. She knew of the girl long before Alduin, the power in Sizaan's soul, even split between the false dovahkiin, was exactly what Vulsaqhonvol needed. She already had most if one half, aside from the small amount that escaped as she was taking over her body, now she needed only to devour the other to regain her true potential. But Alduin's connection with the girl was something even she didn't anticipate.

"You would lie to your mother for the sake of a joor?" She stepped toward him, watching him recoil. "Shame on you." He was her first born and once he had been the embodiment of all the joy Vulsaqhonvol felt within her life. But that version of herself was long gone and the man standing before her no longer represented her happiness, he was a means to an end and when she was done with his uses he would be little more than a liability.

Alduin could feel himself retreating and forced his legs to stop, holding his ground as if a single movement would make the stone crumble and fall away beneath him. "She has nothing to do with this." Thankfully his voice was much firmer than his resolve as he stared down her advancement. He refused to be her prey but he couldn't outright defy her, not when she may have Sizaa within her grasp. No matter what it took Alduin swore to himself he would protect his little lost princess. "What do you want with her?"

"Tell me where to find her I won't ask you again."

Suddenly, a loud booming roar echoed over the cliffside. A shadow cast over the ruin and blocked out the few rays of sunlight that penetrated the clouds. A dragon landed on the edges of the stone shaking the ground. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence  at Skuldafn and yet Alduin had never been more shocked in his life.

The mother's being went rigid, Alduin could feel it as her heart seemed to stop for a full beat before kicking in to overdrive.

"Paarthurnax.." A whisper left her lips as she turned to her second son, almost not believing he was truly there.

Paarthurnax remained silent, stoic as he looked upon his mother and brother, carefully lowering himself so that his passenger could get down with ease.

A/N: To those of you who saw the previous draft my apologies I accidentally published too early xD. Anyways let me know what you guys think. Until next time <3

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