Welcome Home

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It was only a matter of weeks that she'd been banished from the temple but even still the climb to High Hrothgar was more tiring than it had ever been. The seven thousand steps had once been as much a part of Sizaa's home as the very bed she slept in, but climbing them now was a greater challenge then she had ever faced.

Perhaps it was the dread of being turned away once more that weighed her bones so heavily. Or even worse than so, she be accepted, told all she could have asked for, and wished desperately she didn't know the horrid truth again. What excuse could he have? What reason would Arngeir have for lieing to her for her entire life? Where did her strange power come from? And what did they do with it?

The doors to the temple groaned as she opened them. A reaction between heavy frozen metal and ancient rusted hinges. The sound brought back memories of the first time she'd tried to sneak outside. The noise itself was so loud it spooked her into running back to her room and not trying to leave again for another month.

Even though the opening she created was small a forceful gust of arctic wind suddenly scattering the comfortable stuffiness of the castle was more than enough to warn of her entry. Though her presence wouldn't have gone unnoticed anyway. She hadn't made it half way through the main hall when a voice stopped her.

"Well, have you completed your task?" Arngeir seemed even more worn then usual. His already wrinkled eyes now sunken in deep shadows, giving the impression he'd not slept in some time. The robes he used to keep prestine now wrinkled and torn like he'd fallen through brush but didn't care to restitch his garment. But beyond his outward appearance his expression was an odd mixture of anger and what Sizaa almost took for guilt.

"No, master Greybeard. I have not." Though that was the last thing she cared about.

"Then how dare you come before us as both traitor and deserter." His voice was rising, not in shout but in fury. Something Sizaan had never experienced in him. The other Greybeards seemed to have noticed as they filed into the main hall but shockingly they didn't join Arngeir. Rather they stood behind Sizaa, acting as a shield in case they needed to step in. However she took no notice of them.

"Desert? You banished me!" Sizaa could feel her own indignation filling her heart and tearing the calm she tried to maintain.

"It matters not. You left your guardianship over Parthurnaax and for that you lost your place among us. Leave now. And do not return." She almost felt inclined to listen to him. To forget everything she wanted to ask and bolt out of the door, never returning to a place and people who were so eager to be rid of her. But a hand placed on her shoulder held her back.

She turned to its owner and found Master Wulfgar, the one Greybeard who up until that point had shown no interest in her for her entire life with them. He wasn't looking at her but his glower towards Arngeir told her his decision to cast her out was not mutual amongst them.

"I have questions for you, and you will answer me." Arngeir didn't budge. Despite his frail state of being his will went undiminished even as his brethren stood against him.

"No. Not now. Not until you've returned to the path of wisdom."

"Arngeir." The ground trembled beneath the power of the voice. "Rek los Vahlok. Rek fen tinvaak Paarthurnax (She is Guardian. She will speak with Paarthurnax)." Master Einarth commanded stepping in front of Sizaa. He said little, even for a Greybeard, but when he spoke his words were undoubtedly heeded.

Arngeir said nothing more but he clearly had much on the tip of his tongue. He nodded and led the three of them to the back courtyard where they began their ascent of the Monahven. How would Parthurnaax respond to her after having left him for so long? Sizaa could only guess at disappointement as she climbed the path in frightful trepidation.

A/N: This chapter is shorter than most but I'll make up for it in the next one. Let me know what you guys think so far :3 Until next time~

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