Returning the Favor

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Sizaan opened her eyes to find herself on the floor, her bedding untouched, as though she had fallen asleep there. She thought it strange, but even more so that the beds around her own were also empty.

"Master Arngier?" The perplexed call echoed through the silent hall ways. After a moment of receiving no response she lifted herself from the cold of the stone floor with a wince, her side rather sore from the previous nights incident, and began searching for any signs of life.

After having no success she decided to try and find Alduin to see how he was doing after their attack. Just as she reached the door a voice called her back.

"You are not permitted to see him any more. This is the decree of the leader of our order."

"Is it Paarthurnax's decree? Or is it yours?" She sighed, not wanting to turn and see Arngeir's disappointment. "Whether you will it or not I am going to see him. I merely wish to check on his wounds, I own him that much for saving my life." And with that she left into the cold of the morning dawn.

The journey down the mountain wasn't as easy as it used to be. Her side hurt worse with every odd step so much so she had to pause every few meters to catch her breath. However her bow was constantly at the ready, prepared to take down any other horrors that awaited her.

Alduin had spent the night camped under a cliff just beneath the main ridge to avoid the weather. When once his blazing dragon soul kept him warm through any conditions the longer he remained in his new found joor form, the more human he became. His stomach growled insesantly. He found himself shivering constantly, a strange phenomenon he had never experienced before. His muscles were sore and his skin heavy with the damp of the snow. He had tried to set a fire with sticks in a way he had witnessed humans do before but it failed. He was nothing short of miserable.

"Alduin?" A familiar voice stole his mind from his self pity as he rose to his feet and began to track the source.

"You search for me Kulaas? Why?" Not that he wasn't happy for her company but as far as he could tell she hated or at least feared him. So why would she want to find him?

"Yes, I came to check on your wounds and thank you properly."

Alduin smirked devilishly, approaching her in slow deliberate movements. Instictively she backed away from him a few paces before forcing herself to stop and face him.

"And what would this proper show of gratitude entail?" As he spoked he reached for a piece of her hair that had fallen from its braid, twirling it between his finger tips. She frowned and pulled the hair from him pushing him back slightly by his chest and walking to a nearby rock to sit on. She patted the spot beside her and Alduin complied, sitting a bit too close for Sizaa's comfort. She scouted away. He followed. She scouted further. He followed further. This continued until there was no more rock left and Sizaan had to simply accept his intrusion.

"Where do you hurt the most?" Alduin was tempted to say 'everywhere' but thought better of it. He raised his chin, revealing a long scratch running from beneath his ear to just above his collarbone. Sizaa frowned in conentration before pulling out one of many vials of medicine she kept in her satchel.

Taking a large scoop onto her finger she leaned closer to him offering the warning: "this may sting," before gingerly applying it to his scar. The medicine stung greatly but he didn't show it more than a clench of the jaw, too focused on the close proximity of their faces. If he timed it just right, he may have been able to catch her lips with his own. Sizaa seemed to know what he was thinking and cleared her throat, finishing the last application quickly before wiping her finger off on his shirt. He scoffed at the rude gesture but she ignored him already beginning to walk back up the mountain.

Alduin followed her immediately, almost close enough to trip over her feet as they walked. She tried to ignore him but it was difficult when he loomed over her by nearly a foot and a half. She tried to put distance between them but her body wouldn't move faster than it already was, hindered by pain. He noticed her discomfort and without a word picked her up.

"Alduin!" Sizaan gasped struggling to get out of his grasp. "Put. Me. Down. Now."

"I admire hin ahkrin (your courage), but I also see your pain. You are not as well as you would like others to belive. Please allow me to assist you, to return the favor of your aak (help)."

Before she could argue further a thu'um echoed through the air, shaking the mountain. She looked up to see Arngeir glaring down at them. Alduin set her down carefully, watching her closely as she limped away to speak with him.

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