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"You're not an easy one to track down World Eater." Sizaa gasped shocked these strangers knew who he really was. It hadn't taken Alduin long to figure out who they were and he wanted no part of them.

"Who are you?" Sizaa demanded. "And what do you want with him?" An unnaturally deep chuckle erupted from the both of them.

"Let's talk without interference." One spoke and Alduin nodded, not wanting them near Sizaa any longer than necessary.

"No. You're not taking him anywhere without me." She nocked an arrow ready to let it fly into either of them.

"Sizaan listen to me-" Alduin turned his back to the cloaked figures, shielding Sizaa with his body incase they tried anything and placing a hand on her bow arm.

"No. You listen to me." She pushed away from him, putting herself in front of him once again. "I am sworn to be your guardian. I can not leave your side in times of danger and you never call me by my first name which means there is definitely danger." His eyes darkened as he knew she had no clue just how true her words were.

"Who's your pet?" Sizaa's grip on her bow tightened at the word 'pet'.

"She looks delicious." They spoken so fluidly it was almost as if they had the same mind, speaking the same thoughts.

"You will not stay here. Do you understand?" Alduin had grabbed her shoulders and was pushing her in the opposite direction.

"You know what? Fine. I tried." She was growing irritated. He knew who they were and wasn't tell her. Sizaa hated secrets and she hated being treated like a child. And he was treating her like a child by keeping secrets.

"Go get yourself killed see what I care." Sizaa stormed off towards Whiterun with a huff. Normally he'd be fearful of offending her but in this moment it may just be what saves her life.

Once she was out of earshot he turned back to the cultists. "What is it you want from me?"

"Our mistress wants to meet with you." They said in unison.

"Tell your mistress if she wishes to speak with me she can come herself instead of sending two children to send the message."

"But we are her children. Just like you, brother." Alduin growled, reaching for the sword at his hip.

"Calm now, brother. No need to do anything rash." The other held their hands up as a sign of peace. "Don't you want to know how you came back, especially as joor?"

"Mother has the answer. Accept her offer to meet and she will tell you anything you wish to know."

"Ignore it and the girl's life will be forfeit." They were speaking off of each other again but that only seemed to make the threat all the more ominous to Alduin. They disappeared into a sphere of purple magicka, leaving him alone to contemplate their offer.


Travelling from Sky Haven Temple to Whiterun was such a bore. Sure they had horses and didn't have to walk but Davorin still loathed every moment of it when Delphine wouldn't stop lecturing him on the 'proper way to treat your superiors'. As if he'd ever consider her superior to himself. The blades called themselves honorable but they're no different than a group of glorified sell swords who failed so miserably at every task they took on the emperor they were sworn to protect was killed and the dragons they vowed to destroy were coming back with a vengence. He may not have believed in much, but he did believe when you kill something you kill it dead.

"Are you even listening icebrain?" Delphine tried to smack at his head but he caught her hand with ease before it reached.

"Of course blondie. You were complaining about your feelings and what not." He smirked, seeing the look of utter fury cross her eyes through his peripheral.

Delphine sighed heavily, wrenching her hand from his grasp. "No."

"No?" He scratched the back of his head lazily, resisting the urge to yawn in her face. "Well you're a woman. That's usually about half of what spills out of those mouths of yours."

"I can not believe the Dragonborn put up with you. If she had half a brain she would have-"

"Don't. Ever. Speak. Of. Her. Again." They just reached the city stables but Davorin didn't care. He whipped his horse and sped off down the pathway, not wanting to spend one more moment with the woman who held such little respect for his Dovahkiin. Delphine didn't follow him, not caring enough to. He rode for a few minutes at most when suddenly he drew his horse to a halt.

"Stupid dragon and his stupid daedra worshipping looking friends think they can send me a way like some kind of child.." Davorin dismounted his steed and followed the voice as curiosity demanded he find out who it was coming from. He found a girl, couldn't be more than twenty, sitting on a ridge beside the path.

She was muttering something angrily to herself and didn't seen to notice the bandit creeping up on her. He was just about to charge in to help her when suddenly the bandit stepped on a twig and the girl turned to him. She stood and before anything else could happen shouted him off of the mountain.

'That...that couldn't be possible...how?' Davorin was speechless. The only human other than the Greybeards able to do that was the Dovahkiin and as far as he knew she was dead.

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