The Rift

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Even in the midday, when the sun was at its fullest upon its throne in the sky, the air was chilled. Alduin shivered, his clothing barely sufficing to cover his body, and the dragon fire that once kept him warm slowly fading from his being. In comparison after living atop a mountain for the majority of her life Sizaa felt nothing but the heat of adventurous excitement. They had traveled in silence, a lingering tension from Sizaa's outburst the night before still fresh between them. She wanted to apologize, knowing it was the right thing to do. But she didn't know how to start. They were half way to Riften before she could work up the courage to say anything.

"So first things first we need to get supplies." Not exactly an apology but it was the truth. They needed supplies and they needed to figure out a plan, or they'd be wandering without purpose in awkward silences for the rest of Sizaa's life.

"What supplies?" Alduin never understood why some joor traveled with so many things they didn't really need. It weighed them down to the point they could hardly move. Supplies were a waste of energy and he far too great to be bothered with needing them.

"Well for one, coin." Sizaa sighed, her legs growing tired as she had never traveled such a distance before.

"What could we possibly need currency for?"

"For food. I can hunt but not well enough to keep us both well fed. And you need armor, or at least something to keep you warm you wouldn't stop shivering last night. And other things like healing potions or maybe a map."

"I have flown the skies of kiezaal long before you were ever born Kulaas, I know this land."

"Oh yeah? Fly us to Riften then and save me the trouble of walking. Oh wait that's right you can't. Whether you wish to accept it or not World-eater you're joor. You're no different and no better than those you spent centuries devouring. And that means you need supplies. Best get used to it."

Alduin was silent.


It certainly lived up to its reputation in Sizaa's eyes. Before they had even entered they were already being scammed for an entrance fee though Alduin's threats settled that. When they did come inside the gates guards were chasing down some random thief with the townspeople cheering on his murder. Dust or grime covered everything. Most of the wooden planks of the platform they walked across seemed to be molded from the water below or the sea mist in the air. And everything carried the revolting stench of fish and mead.

Sizaa led Alduin passed the chaos and underneath the temple of Mara. She searched for the shadow mark Acyline had described to her that opened the secret entrance to the thieves guild. If anyone could help them with coin, it would be Acyline. She found it and pressed it inward, smiling in fascination as the stone slab slowly sank back beneath the false tomb. Alduin had no idea where the steps they were descending led to but it didn't matter, if Sizaa went then he went.

She lifted the cover and dropped down the ladder waiting for Alduin to join her. By the time he had managed to fit himself inside and meet her on the ground they were surrounded by thieves all armed and all suspicious of why they were there. Curious of what was happening Acyline left her guild masters desk and pushed her way through the crowd.

"Sizaa!" She gasped, trapping Sizaan in an unnecessarily tight embrace. After a long moment she released, paying no mind to Alduin. "I can't believe you're here, come let's talk." Acyline grabbed Sizaa's hand and pulled her away before she could utter a word.

"Outsiders in the Cistern Lass? This isn't usually allowed." A redheaded man standing in the middle of the stone archways that bridged over the water called out as they broke through the gang.

"Last I checked Bryn initiates were allowed." Acyline smirked but didn't stop in her progression across the cistern. Sizaa wanted to stop her and tell her they weren't there to join but realized it was probably wiser to play along for now than cause a scene. She followed Acyline closely and Alduin as always was hardly a step behind.

"Initiates?" Brynolf looked Sizaa, a curious girl with honest eyes, and Alduin, a brooding giant with an expression that screamed murder, over. Neither seemed fit to wear the shadows. "These two think they can handle our line of work?"

'Work?' Alduin scoffed. There were many things he despised about humanity but their predisposition to deception was one of the worst. Alduin himself may have been called many things, World-eater, destroyer, monster, but he was never a liar. And dishonesty is all a thief knows.

"I've known Sizaa for years, the only other person I've heard of to have stolen from the Greybeards and lived to tell about it." The shuffling of the other thieves around the room who had lost interest grew still as everyone turned their attention back to Sizaa and Alduin. Alduin growled and glared at anyone foolish enough to stare at Sizaa or make direct eye contact with him.

But Sizaa's mind was lost in the memory of her training with Acyline. It was a few months after they had met and the thief decided it was time she learned, skills to use if ever Sizaa left the monastery. Sizaa's skill with lockpicking progressed rapidly but pickpocketing was a whole nother story. She could remember Acyline taking a ring from Master Wulfgar's pocket without him ever seeing she was there. Sizaa was fascinated by her skills but that faded when Acyline threatened to keep it unless Sizaa put it back, also without being seen. By sheer luck she had pulled it off. But she could hardly see how that was stealing from them.

A/N: The picture is of Acyline, not Sizaa who for those of you who haven't read it is the main character of my Cicero one shot/short story.

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