Chapter 4

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"Mac! How much longer are we going to sit here and stare at that pile of rocks?!"

"You know, for a girl who is dating a serial killer, you sure don't know anything about his "hobbies". Just wait a little longer Isis", says Mac impatiently.

"Well Mac, not that it's any of your business but me liking Cam doesn't mean I have to like killing too. I may be crazy but not that crazy", replies Isis.

"By the way, I can't believe you sold out all your "mineral dogs" in one day. Even more surprising is how many hot dogs you can squeeze out of those souvenirs Cam brought you. How do you think he does..."

"Stop right there!", Mac yells abruptly. "I'm the crazy one hopeful of a normal life and Cam is the crazy serial killer. We may live in this body but I can assure you, we are not the same. So if you have any questions about his "extracurricular activities" I suggest you ask him directly and not me."

"Woah, you're more hysterical than I am, Mac. You realize if the police find out about these murders, they will be coming for you and not Cam? You are the same person, you idiot. "

"Anyways, I still can't believe you didn't remember me. Cam and I met a few weeks ago. I bumped into him while he was loading your truck. There I was at four in the morning sleep walking again, you know, the usual and there he was shoving a mailman leg into the ice box. It was love at first sight. Till' this day Cam says he spared me once he saw my eyes. He couldn't stop looking at them. It did take him a pitcher of water and a couple of slaps to the face to wake me up. But once he woke me up he asked me about them, then before you know it we were having long conversations over coffee and hot dog meat grinding of rhat mail man in this very truck."

"You guys are sick and twisted", Mac replies. "You two deserve each other. Anyways, we've been staring at these cops wander mindlessly over the evidence for five hours now. They have no leads, I better start heading home. Jim is going to be relieved. I can drop you off if you like, Isis?"

"Yeah, sure. I live a few miles from here", replies Isis.

I don't understand how Cam can like someone enough to spare them the way he did this girl. I mean, she is really pretty, and funny, and those eyes. Oh man, those eyes are beautiful. I definitely would ask her out if the smoother side of me didn't already beat me to it. Wow, ain't that something? The one girl that I find attractive and who gets me is the one girl who falls in love with a part of me that might as well be a completely different person. I don't have to be a stand up comic, my life is a walking joke. Maybe I should write an autobiography, then again every other chapter will be Cam putting in his input by drawing inappropriate stuff all over it. Ugh.

"You just passed it!", yells Isis.

"Huh? Woah! My bad Isis. I kind of dazed out for a second. I'll turn the truck around now."

"Yeah, I heard of those day dreams you get, Isis replies. Just make sure you don't do them while I'm in the car. Anyways, just pull over on this next block. My house is coming up.

"This is my stop. Catch you later Mac, tell Cam I said bye and I'll see him later."

"It doesn't work that way!", Mac said loudly as Isis slammed the door behind her.

I'm just going to wait here until she goes inside. Yup just sit here and wave goodbye to all possibilities of having a decent life, decent girl, oh yeah and a decent job. Goodbye beautiful girl. Farewell only shot at a pretty woman. Peace out, happy thoughts of growing old together. Sayonara, my beautifull....


Woah, what was that? I think that came from inside Isis house.

"Mac! Come here! Hurry!", Isis screams.

Yup that was definitely Isis. Unless she also has an alter ego. Oh! Then we can double date. Score! Wait, no that's physically impossible.

"I'm coming Isis!"

Mac runs to the house in a hurry and finds a man in a cage tied up and bruised.

"So, the truth comes out!", Mac says.

"What are you talking about you idiot?!", replies Isis nervously.

"You lied! You said you lived alone."

Mac then quickly makes the sound of a punch line drum noise with his mouth.

Mac looks at Isis as she looks back at him with distaste and he says, "So too soon?"  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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