Lost Relatives Have Come To Light

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       Dear Mum,

       Dan and I are very happy to have received your letter again. I must admit, at first, I was very surprised to hear from you and was also surprised when you said you had split up with Dad. Though I am glad you accept Dan and I as being a couple, and also don't mind our coming out rather publicly on YouTube. I know that Dad was not a big fan of my sexuality but you must understand it was hard for me as well. I have had many struggles since I left your house but I can say that now I am finally happy. I know you were upset about my cutting when I told you in previous letters but I can now say that I have stopped. I am also eating a lot more too. I can't believe I stopped. I LOVE food.

       Though not as much as I love Dan.

       Dan and I have now been going out for 1 year and a half and again, though I appreciate the suggestion, I don't think Dan and I will be getting married soon. And by that I mean I'M not going to propose to him, because I am the cowardly Lion and I will wait until Dan is ready to ask me to marry him. Also children will have to wait. As you know we'll have to adopt and I don't want to push too far for now. We are happy as we are and will have a family when ready.

       We will however accept your offer of coming to see you next weekend. Dan is looking forward to finally meeting you, as much as I am excited to see you again after all these years. Just to let you know, when I was kicked out I never hated you or Dad. I loved you both very much and I only wanted to make you proud, which is why I stuck in uni even with the bullies.

       Speaking of which, I found out the men who attacked me have been put in jail for harassing and assaulting other gay people, after their case were brought forward and that the leader of the attack was none other than Ray, the boy I liked when I told Dad. Ray's, now, ex-wife actually came over and apologized saying she had no idea what he was doing. I accepted her apology and she is actually a very nice lady. She treated Dan and I to a romantic dinner for two, for our 1 year anniversary, as a way of saying sorry again, which was very sweet of her. Now I can sleep easy as since they were put in jail and I was apologized to I have had no other nightmares.

       I must go now but I look forward to your next letter. I have to prepare for Radio 1. Oh yeah, I present a radio show there now every Sunday. Anyway, good bye. I hope to hear from you again soon.

       Lots of love and lion hugs,

       Your son,

       Phil xx

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