Secret Life, Secret Magic, Secret Forbidden Love.

Start from the beginning

There was a sharp pain in my arm and I looked to see a scared man stabbing me with a needle. I began to feel tried and it scared me so I screamed even more and forced myself to stay awake. The man looked at me “Hey hey hey, look into my eyes. Look I gave you a sedative and I don’t know how it is you are fighting it, but you need to stop. Let it take you into sleep. You need to calm down or you’re going to kill yourself, please Natasha let it take you, for me? Please?” I don’t know why, but through my sobs I nodded at him and dove into him letting him cradle me and hold me close protecting me from the scene around us. I don’t know what happened after that because I fell asleep, but when I woke up the same man was still there. I realized why I trusted him so easily it was my brother Parkers best friend Tucker. He was sleeping in a chair in my hospital room. I knew my whole family was dead. And I also knew that they were going to try to put me into a foster family, but my mom and dad would joke about their life insurance before, they each had 1 million dollar life insurances and that money would go to me. I would find the best lawyer to represent me and I would fight to stay alone. No new family. When Tucker woke up he hugged me and started to cry. I couldn’t cry anymore so I held him.

A couple months later I was allowed to live in an apartment with assisted living by Tucker, which would just mean I check into him and he helps me when I need it. I spent a lot of the money from my familys life insurance on their funeral. I planned it out with Tucker. And a good chunk on fighting to stay. Trucker and I started to get really close. So now here I am high school drop out moving into a brand new apartment closer to Tucker. It was also close to the new 5 roomed high school I was about to go to. It was a scary place because most of the people there were kicked out of high school. I was scared because I dropped out of high school when I was planning a funeral and fighting to not go into a foster family and the whole losing all my friends because I got pregnant and they thought I was a slut kind of had a hand in it too. I never told them I was raped.

“Naughty Naty do you really have to go to school? I want you stay home with me like you did yesterday.” Benjamin said, Benjamin is my neighbours kid who I watch in the morning and at night while his dad works, his mom left him a long time ago.

“Awe I’m sorry Benji Bear, but I need to go to school in order to get a job.” I smiled at him. “Why don’t you go sit down I’m making pancakes and bacon.”

His face brighten “Is Tucker coming over this early in the morning?!” Benji looked so happy.

“How did you know?” I asked.

“Because you always look nicer and cook his favourite things when he comes over.” He said. “Naughty Naty do you like Tucker?”

“I like Tucker as a friend and I look nicer because I have to go out soon and I cook his favourite things because he has done so much for me. Without him I wouldn’t be here.”

“That’s not true you would have found a way you’re strong like that. And what is this about always looks nicer. Are you trying to impress me Naughty Naty” Speak of the devil and he shall appear. In our case Tucker. He always just walks in we’re really close so I don’t care. I could feel myself start to blush at his comment so I turned back to the food.

“You wish playboy” I said laughing slightly. I totally did have a crush on him, but I could never tell him that he’s 26 and I’m only 15 close to being 16.

I looked at the clock. The same one that was in the house I lived in before with my family. I had a frown cross across my face and when I realized what time it was I quickly put the food on 2 plates and put them in front of the boys.

“Here you guys go. Tucker there is coffee if you want some, only one lollipop for Benji today and make sure he brushes his teeth. Oh and don’t let him in the cookie jar.” I frowned again at how much I sounded like my mother. I pushed that thought out of my head as Benji came to give me a hug.

“I love you buddy” I said

“Love you too Naughty Naty” He said. His nickname is from Tucker, he said it as a joke one day and Tucker just kept calling me by it.

“Natasha you didn’t eat anything.” Tucker came up to me next.

“I had some toast before Benji got here” Total lie, but whatever I gain weight really easily and I don’t want to be fat because everyone in my family is skinny. Pardon me everyone was skinny or buff.

“You better be telling the truth. You wouldn’t lie to me would you angel eyes.” Tuckers nickname for me was angel eyes because I have an almost grass green that are so intense people ask me where I got my contact from and don’t believe me until I show them I don’t have any contacts in.

He had me on that one I couldn’t lie to him. “No I didn’t but I’m not hungry.” I said trying to brush it off like it was nothing which it was.

“Benji did she eat supper last night?” Tucker asked. Benji’s dad picks him up shortly after supper everyday.

“No” He said and went back to eating. Trader I thought

“Look I’m just stressed out about this okay. I am about to be in a classroom with people older than me and who have been to jail. It’s scary and I’m scared okay.” I said looking away. Tucker came and hugged me telling me it was going to be okay. When I left I sped down the roads trying to make it to school on time. When I got there I was still late and when I walked into the classroom I felt 20 eyes on me sizing me up only 3 of which were girls.

“Oh look a new toy to play with.” A guy looked at me and winked.

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