Chapter 7

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It was Wednesday morning, the sun had just risen and the birds sang their morning songs. I layed in my bed still fast asleep, I could hear my bedroom door open. I bolted up only to see Sky frozen in fear. "What are you doing in my room runt?" I spat, she gulped "I needed to borrow a p-pen" she answered. "And who the H told you, you could get one here?" I asked.

"I did" my mother interrupted peering through the door. "You have to go to school today (Y/n), you've avoided school for to long it's time you go back!" My mother spoke again. "Fine, but you both have to get out of my room! Im going to start locking my room" I told them. Sky and my mom left the room closing the door behind them. I groaned in frustration, it was to soon to go back.

I took my defeat though and gotten out of bed and got ready for the day. After the long awkward drive to school with the perverted asshole of a transport drivier I'd gotten to school. It felt so foreign to me, I walked in slowly earning a few looks from other students. They probably did hear about what happened to me because Zahara and Lazors  case was tied to mine so obviously people would of  found me interesting.

As I walked past the stair case people were standing up on them trying to get a look into my school shirt,I guess they must have heard about what Toby did to me. Miraculously I made it past the looks and curious eyes and found myself standing in the Quad." (Y/nnnnnnnnnnn)!" A sickening voice cried from the distance. Oh dear god no.

Cameron walked up to me wearing the red skirt that barely covered her, leaving very little to the imagination. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder with that stupid smile plastered on her face and all I could do was force a awkward smile on my face. "You're going to spend the day together" she said cheerfully, I just gave her another smile and we walked over to our first class.

It was a long day of school, many people came up to me trying to ask about everything that had happened to me but Cameron or a teacher would always chase them away. At this point I didn't care about safety when it came to walking home when I had a serial killer visit me every night.

My parents tried to suggest I go with my transport driver home in the afternoon but he always got more.... creepy during the afternoon, he would drop me off late in the afternoon. I walked down the hill into the next street chugging one of my many packets of country corn and to my complete pleasure! Damon and the slut were sitting in a car making out.

I walked past trying not to make eye contact with them,but their giggling confirmed that they had definitely seen me. "(Y/n)" a male voice called from behind me. I turned to see who the owner of the voice was and to my surprise it was Toby. I stopped walking and waited for him to get closer to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him still surprised. "I d-don't like the way they l-look at you" he answer. I didn't understand who he ment, even so why did he care? "Who...oh wait I mean moo" I said half lidded. I could see the confused look he was giving through his goggles and mouth guard.

"Oh, I belong to you remember like I'm a cow... so I'm playing the part" I explained. He looked at me then let out a sound I'd never heard him make before,it was laughter. "So you're a c-comedian... you'd think you'd b-be ha-appy to see m-me" he answered. It wasn't like anybody was going to see him it was pretty empty except for the two idiots in the car but they seemed to be too interested in each other's faces then they were in Toby .

"Oh I'm sorry,did you want packet of chips? Should I have moo'd louder?" I asked sarcastically holding up the last packet country corn. Toby walked over to me and took the packet out of my hand. This took me by shock,I didn't expect him to actually take the chips besides it was my last packet. I stuck my bottom lip out like a little kid, he just chuckled then messed up my hair earning a giggle from me.

It was strange that he was being so sweet but hey who knows when's the next time he's going to become hostile and upset. I grabbed his wrist and threw it away playfully, he just froze in place staring to the distance. I turned around to look at what he was looking at. He was staring at Damon who was giving him a death glare.

His girlfriend didn't even seem to notice him staring at Toby and I because she was too busy kissing his neck. The look Toby was giving made me unsettled,he looked like an animal ready to attack his prey and as much as I'd like him to give them what they deserved I'd dealt with enough death for a life time.

"T-toby?" I stuttered, he didn't seem to acknowledge me he just started ticking more and cracking his neck. The way he did when he was upset," W-who is th-that?" he asked not looking away from Damon. I looked at Damon then back at Toby "  That's Damon" I told him. "W-why is he l-looking at m-me like he's j-jealous" he asked again.

"I don't think he's jealous, he clearly has a whore Toby." I tried to convince Toby. "No! How d-do you k-know him th-then?" He asked in a slightly more aggressive tone. I gulped, he was getting pretty angry now and again he's a cold hearted killer who's to say he won't end me right there and then.

"We uh w-we used to be romantically involved" I said rubbing my arm and looking at the floor. He grabbed the coller of my shirt and pulled me close to him,our faces were inches apart his breathing was fast. I was scared, it was so hard to keep a poker face. "W-what" he growled. I opened my mouth but all that came out were squeaks. Dahm I hated the way I was folding in front of him.

He held the collor of my shirt tightly, staring me dead in the eye through his orange goggles. He pushed me away hard and I fell to the floor he looked the opposite way,he grabbed the handles of his hatchets and let out a deep growl. With a final crack of his neck he looked back at me with a slightly visible scowl on his face.

"I w-want you h-home n-now" he instructed then ran away. "Mooo!" I yelled as he disappeared into the distance. Who does this joker think he is? My father?god I had to do what he said though. I started my walk home but I did it fast I had to.

A Dance With The Devil (Ticci Toby X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora