Chapter 8: Mask-makers

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I cautiously walked into the club room as the twins rushed past me

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I cautiously walked into the club room as the twins rushed past me. "We're sorry Honey-Sempai!" The twins yelled.

I stared at the twins curiously as they tried to hide behind me. "What's going on? Every time I come to this club room it starts to seem more and more like a circus." I said.

"We woke up Honey-Sempai!" They said clinging to my shirt and hiding behind me.

I looked towards Honey-Sempai and practically saw fire in his eyes. "Er-um-you know, I forgot I needed to study for exams!" I tried to run away but the twins wrapped their arms around me and pulled me back.

"You know we can do it together and have a study date." The twins said while smirking.

I frowned. "No thanks. I'd rather study by myself," I said seriously.

Haruhi walked up to me and smiled. "Why don't we have a study group?"

I smiled and agreed, as long as it was just Haruhi and I. I noticed Honey-Sempai walking angrily towards me. You looked at the twins and warned them. "Honey-Sempai is coming this way." I moved out of the way as Honey-Sempai charged after the twins.

"NO HONEY-SENPAI! WAAHHHH!" The twins screamed and ran off down the hall at top speed.

Haruhi and I shrugged at each other and walked into the club room together.

Tamaki grabbed Haruhi and me by the shoulders and stopped us. "We need to plan for the next event!" Tamaki said.

"I don't think a week before exams is the best week to host it." Haruhi said seriously.

"Nonsense, our first priority is making the customers happy." Tamaki said as dramatically as ever.

"Hey boss, what exactly are we doing?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked.

I looked at them, surprised. I wonder how they got away from Honey-Sempai. I shrugged it off and continued listening to Tamaki.

"We're going to throw a masquerade." Everyone looked doubtful. "Think about it, a girl will fall in love with the boys dazzling personality and charm and then we shall reveal who their masked lover is at the end of the ball." He explained beaming with happiness.

"Are you sure this is the best idea sempai?" I asked Tamaki.

"Of course it is. Why, are you afraid of falling for me?" Tamaki said as narcissistic as ever.

I pushed him away from me, disgusted. "Ugh, no way! I just think that a week before exams isn't exactly the best time to hold an event." I explained to Tamaki.

"It's a good time for the students to relax and enjoy the club." Kyoya said while fixing his glasses.

"It's much more fun than studying about some old people that are already dead." Kaoru said.

"Yeah. When would you need math in real life? You could just hire someone to do it for you." Hikaru stated.

"These damn rich people." Haruhi said to me under her breath.

I giggled slightly and cleared my throat. If only she knew! "Sorry."

"So, we need to make masks, and for that I have hired a specialist." Tamaki announced.

"Boss, why don't we just have Haruhi and Lucian make the masks?" Hikaru asked.

"No way." Haruhi and I said simultaneously.

"We'll bring your quotas down to 1/4, both of them." Kyoya bribed us.

I thought about it. I wasn't very good at arts and crafts but I was willing to give it a try if it bumped down 1/4 of my quota. "Fine!" I said as the twins dragged me and Haruhi to a table and set some supplies in front of us.

"If you succeed we'll keep our word." Kyoya insisted.

Haruhi and I spent the remainder of the time making masks. Some girls even helped us. After all the girls had left Kyoya stepped up to me and placed seven extra masks on the table. "We need masks for the hosts as well. I want each of them to have each hosts' signature color. For example, white for Tamaki, orange and blue for the twins, baby-blue for honey, and etc." He explained.

Haruhi and I both groaned. We were both tired from making masks the whole time during club activities. Even so, we made the last of the masks very well, the ones for the host members. We both sighed and rubbed our eyes as we finished. I asked Haruhi if I could stay at her place. She agreed and we both packed up quickly and left.

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