Bucky Barnes ~ Wrong One

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Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier

You are with the wrong guy(the man) but the team doesn't know that. He hurts you, but you literally can't do anything about it because he threatened to kill Bucky, and you can't have that happen. You love Bucky, and you don't know he loves you too because when Hydra tried to erase his Memory last time, he could never forget you. You have to try to convince him that the man your with now is the one, Bucky knows that's a lie.

Requested By: No one


The man Im with now pushes me forward into the taxi, "We are going to Stark's party and you are going to act like your madly in love with me, you don't want that Bucky to be getting the wrong idea, right?"

"Yes, sir." I fake smile, "Because I love you." It hurt you so bad to say those words, I want to kill this man so bad, he took Bucky away from me. The best part about tonight is that I'm going to tell the team, and if anything happens to Bucky, I will protect him.

"That's right, Doll." I hate when he calls me that, Bucky calls me that, and it only should be Bucky. Where did he pick up ,'Doll' from? Bucky.

Starks Tower

"Stand straight for god sake, I don't want an Avenger to make me look sloppy." He spits. Yes, I am on the Avengers team but I can't get away from this guy because he threaten to hurt Bucky, and I don't know if he is Hydra or not. Can't take that chance.

We walk into the party, hand in hand and a bunch of smiling faces turn my way.

"Glad you could make it!" Bucky smiles.

"I told her we couldn't miss one of Stark's parties." The man states.

"He did."

"Well, I'm going to get some drinks. Want one babe?"

"Yes. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. When I get back do you want to dance?"

"I'm hoping that I'm not cutting in but, may I dance with (y/n)?" Bucky asks

The man looks uneasily between Bucky and I, "Yeah. That's alright. I might ask another to dance with me."

I make my way to the bathroom and almost burst out crying before I got there. I slide down the bathroom wall and cry quietly, I don't want to be here. I don't want to be with him.

Someone knocks on the bathroom door, "(y/n)? Are you alright?" Bucky questions.

I quickly wipe my face of tears and try to adjust my makeup...I didn't wear waterproof mascara. It looks like someone glued dirt to my face.

"Uh...Yeah. I-I'm fine."

"I'm not rushing ya or anything.-"

"No, no, it's okay. This might be weird. Uh, could you come in here?"


I carefully unlock the door and push Bucky in the bathroom with me, which I never thought I would think...ever. Bucky sees my face and he face turns into concern and worry in an instant.

"Hey, Hey, what happened?"

"Him. My 'boyfriend'. He's cruel and he-he I hate him. I want to leave him but he won't let me! Please help me."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because he threaten to kill you."

Bucky chuckled, "I'm me. How would he kill me?"

"If I'd know I would of told ya already." I cry into his shirt.

There's a knock on the door, "Damn it, you've created suspicion that guy Buck? Yeah, he's gone. And it's all your fault. Tonight it not your night."


"What do you mean?" I question

"If you don't come out of there I will end you. And Bucky, he'll die." The man starts to wiggle the door handle and pounds on the door. Bucky hides against the wall so when he comes in here Bucky can grab him.

"I'm breaking up with you!"

"You can I both know you can't, I got Bucky hanging on the edge. And you will live if you ever wanna see your loverboy again."

Bucky raises an eyebrow at me, Bucky didn't know that I love him.

The door busts open and the man finds me against the wall, tries to lunge at me but Bucky pulls him back into the door with a loud crash.

"What-?" The man aches

"Hey, jackass, why don't you go pick on someone your own size."

"I will kill you." The man spits but Bucky thinks he knocks him out, I see different. Then I hear the sudden click of a gun. I jump in front of Bucky and feel a very white hot sharp pain in my back. In a flash Bucky takes the gun and shoots him in the head. Before I fall to the ground Bucky catches me. I can hear Steve come around the corner.

"Buck-" Steve starts

"Get Bruce!" Bucky snaps, "You're going to be okay."

He and I both know we won't be okay. And then I let the darkness in.

/-/-/-/-/-2 Days Later/-/-/-/-/-/

I hate constant annoying beeps like this one in Stark Tower. It has been beeping and I'm trying to sleep. WAIT. I feel everything in my body in a split second and I groan. I open my eyes to see Bucky sleeping at the end of my bed and Bruce smiling at me.

"How are you feeling?" Bruce whispers

I shrug slowly, "Better than dead."

"It's not bad. You should feel better soon. I fixed your back, you're lucky the bullet was clean. Bucky has been staying here the past few days, he never leaves, unless he has to go to the bathroom, then he asks me if I can watch you but I'm usually-"

"He's dead, isn't he?" I interrupt

Bruce stops, I can see in his face that he wanted to avoid every part of this conversation, "Yes, he is."

I start crying, not sad tears, happy tears. I'm away from him, he can never hurt me again or Bucky or the Avengers. And who thought he would try to kill Bucky with a Handgun? I awoke Bucky who looked at me straight away. He smiled then reached for my hand., "So, you love me?"

Out of all the things he could of said, that was the best. I nod slowly, what if he didn't love me back? That's silly to think because he stayed here with me in the room for two days. Maybe he was just being a good friend-

"I love you too."

I smile, "I can't believe you almost got shot by a mini hand gun!"

"Your the one who got shot, I was just taking my time, it was an easy fight. The man wasn't even my size."

Bucky and I start laughing again. This is a happy ending....



If you want more Bucky because who doesn't? Go visit Meowlnir  page and read the Sebastian Stan Imagine Book! Also go read our book H.E.R.O.E.S! This is one of my favorite, well thought out books between Meowlnir , Agent_Anna , and I! It's awesome!

Go check out Meowlnir's Book:
Sebastian Stan Imagines


Bucky and Steve Imagines #2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora