Chapter 4: Time With Kaoru

Start from the beginning

"Well if this is your idea of fun I don't care for it." I crossed my arms.

The twins put their arms around my shoulders and smiled mischievously. "Come on, Lucian, don't be like that." Hikaru started.

"Can't we just have some fun with you guys," Kaoru ended.

I groaned. "Just what am I to you guys anyway?" I asked.

"That's simple you're our toy." Hikaru and Kaoru said.

"No I'm not! I'm no one's toy!" I said angered.

"Yeah, you entertain us and everything." They both said, persisting.

"Look, I don't belong to you guys, so I'm not your toy," I explained trying to stay calm.

"You're our toy, simple as that." They both said.

"You guys really annoy me you know that," I said frustrated. I left the room as Haruhi called after me and Kaoru, feeling a bit bad, decided to follow me.

~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~

I sat in the corner of a small closet, which contained a hand-woven carpet, a kiddy night stand, a blue baby blanket, a picture of a small boy holding hands with me at the pool, and a very small pillow. I was so tired of those Hitachiin twins, they annoyed me so much to the point where it frustrated me. I lit some of the peppermint incense. Suddenly, I heard the door slide open more and I looked up to find Kaoru. My eyes widened, but it was quickly covered it with a frown.

"I don't know why I knew you'd be in here but, here you are." He said while stepping closer and crouching beside me.

"Go away. Kaoru."

He lightly chuckled and sat on his knees beside me. "I'm sorry. If I took it too far, we were just playing around. We didn't mean anything by it." He apologized. "So what is this?

"Fine, whatever. Don't call me a toy again," I said not wanting to hear it, yet slightly forgiving him. "It's a shrine to my brother." Suddenly I heard a loud thump and the area darkened. My head shot up, as I found the door had closed. "Kaoru, did you really have to close the door?" I asked not wanting to deal with anything at the moment.

"That wasn't me." He exclaimed, so sure that he hadn't done it.

"Kaoru, of course you closed it, who else could've closed it," I explained calmingly.

"No I'm not kidding, Lucian. I really didn't close it. That's not something I would do!" He exclaimed still acting as if it wasn't him. He stood and walked to the door. He tried sliding it open, but the door wouldn't budge for him. "Lucian, I can't open the door."

"Kaoru, seriously? I'm sure that if I try to open it, it will open." I moved awkwardly around Kaoru and tugged on the door lightly, but it wouldn't budge. I tugged harder, but it still wouldn't budge. I tugged as hard as you could, but still no budge. It had been locked. I moved back timidly and sat back down, Kaoru allowing me to crawl over him. "Well, we're trapped in here," I said trying not to panic. I couldn't stand being in a closed room for so long. It triggered my claustrophobia. My palms grew sweaty. I took deep breaths, trying to keep from having a panic attack.

Kaoru noticed this and tried his best to comfort me. "It's okay, I'm sure Haruhi and Hikaru will come looking for us soon," Kaoru reassured me.

I curled into the fetal position and sat quietly, it wasn't quite certain to me yet, but conversations between Kaoru and I were always awkward between us if we were alone. I never really noticed it at the time but Kaoru had began to grow on me a little bit.

"Hey, Lucian?" Kaoru began.

"What do you want Kaoru?" I asked not really wanting to talk to him and trying to concentrate on my breathing.

"Why is it that you hate me and my brother so much?" He asked sincerely.

My eyes widened is surprise at the question. "I didn't know it had seemed that way to you guys," I said truthfully. "To tell you the truth, you're both pushy and sometimes annoying, but I don't hate you, after all I can't hate any one, it's just not my thing. I don't even hate the idiot who ruined my life." You told him truthfully. "You know, Hikaru sorta reminds me of my little brother some times."

He smiled and slightly blushed, but I couldn't see it very well with the bad lighting in the tiny room. "To tell you the truth Lucian, I never thought you hated us. Sure you come across mean and all, but inside your actually a kind and gentle person. You're strong and passionate about things. Actually, it's kind of cute, the way you act and all," He said while smiling.

My eyes widened, I didn't know that someone I had just met could read me so easily, like an open book. I blushed a shade of pink, that he couldn't see, and smiled a small smile. "Thanks, you know, you're not too bad yourself," I said trying to compliment him, even though it was a little bit harder for me.

"Gee thanks." He playfully pushed my arm and laughed. I giggled with him, distracted enough that I had forgotten all about my claustrophobia.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~

The door flew open and in came Hikaru and Haruhi. I smiled and practically jumped for joy that the door was finally open. I could finally escape the room that had started to feel like it was strangling me again. "Haruhi! Thank you for opening the door!" I hugged her and nearly knocked her to the floor, happy to be out of that dim place.

"No problem. Hikaru wanted to just leave you guys be. But I wanted to check on you guys. I thought something had happened when you two didn't come back right away," Haruhi explained. We smiled and walked away from the twins.

"How long were you two stuck in here for?" Hikaru asked his brother.

"Not long, but long enough." Kaoru said and smiled towards me as he saw me standing by the door with Haruhi.

"Wh-what are you saying?!" Hikaru asked, waiting for his brother to clarify. I could hear what he thought we did in his voice.

"Hikaru! It wasn't like that we were just talking," Kaoru explained. Hikaru sighed and smiled slightly. Hikaru and Kaoru finally caught up with me. Hikaru seemed to have finally separated himself from Kaoru.

I found myself getting farther from Haruhi and Hikaru and closer to Koaru. I bumped to Kaoru lightly. "Hey Kaoru, everything we said in the closet, stays in the closet. Right? Because I told you some things that no one, not even Hikaru, needs to know." He laughed lightly, like I had just told him a lame joke but he was perfectly strait-faced, and nodded his head in agreement, extending his pinkie as both of us promised.

~~~~~~~~Time skip to Present~~~~~~~~

"Oh, now I remember." I said as you sat beside Haruhi.

"Let's hurry and eat guys, remember we're going to the beach today." Hikaru said while gobbling down his food.

I rolled my eyes and began to eat. I noticed Kaoru looking at me. He smiled and I looked away as if I didn't see anything, when in all honesty I slightly smiled. I turned back to my food and continued eating as he stared at me for a little a bit confused and began to eat.

After we had all finished eating and we had all changed, I stuck my swimsuit in my bag. Hikaru and Kaoru decided to drive Haruhi and me to the beach.

I stared out the window and sighed. I wonder if, I'll be able to make real friends here. The host club seems nice I guess. I suppose I should at least make an effort to understand them. I would really like to be friends with all of them, even though I've never really had real friends. But can I do that? I looked between Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi and smiled. Yeah. I can totally do that.

 I can totally do that

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