A Hope for a Warrior's Fate

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Cu gave him a sad look, as if he wanted to believe what his brother told him but couldn't trust in his words. "I know you're ready, Dia. Scathach taught me everything she knew, and I taught you everything I know. I just don't want to lose you, like I lost some of my other comrades. Just please, be careful out there. At this point, I don't care if you succeed or fail in the goal that they will give. I only care about you being able to come back home." His voice was a whisper, honest and true. Knowing that Diarmuid was ready, he also knew that Diarmuid had to go seek out his own future soon. Diarmuid pointed his vision to the ground; he could barely look Cu in the eyes.

He felt two hands grab his shoulders. "Look at me, Diarmuid." The younger one looked up at the elder one. "I want you to come back. If someone is being attacked and they seem like they won't be able to defeat the enemy they face alone, then help them, but make sure that it won't cause your death. And please if you want to make me proud, do this in the name of Ireland and do your best to get a position inside the castle. Yes, I don't care if you get one or not so long as you live, but if you are really set on becoming a warrior here in Britain then accomplish the goal." A stern voice escaped Cu's lips. A moment like this was rare. Cu was more of a fun, quirky person, but there were also times where he was the most serious person Diarmuid knew.

Diarmuid nodded in response, a serious expression on his face. "Thank you, Brother. Thank you for allowing me to come here and participate in this fight...and everything else that you've done for me", he stated, finally putting on a smile. Cu let go of his brother's shoulders and nodded with a smile.

"You're welcome, Dia. Now, go meet the comrades you will be fighting with in the arena, and stay true to what you believe in. Whenever the enemy comes out, make sure you help protect your allies. Even if you are not victorious at the end, you will be victorious to everyone who you protected."

Diarmuid nodded. Cu sighed, still not sure if he really wanted to let his younger brother to fight in a battle such as this one. But, he knew it was too late now. The two gave each other a hug, ready for anything that would happen. The blue-clad Irishman breathed unsteady breaths. Each minute felt like an hour. The two pulled away from each other, and the famed warrior of Ireland pat his brother on the shoulder. "Stay safe", he told Diarmuid before walking out of the room to make his way towards the standing area for all of the mentors, friends, and family members of the knights who were participating in the event.

The handsome Irishman watched, as his brother left. He could hear the metallic clacks of Gae Bolg hitting the floor, as Cu walked through the halls, now out of his sight. Diarmuid stood there for a moment, embracing himself for what was going to happen in a moment, and proceeded to turn the other way and grab his swords and lances. Finally leaving the room, he steadied his breaths to ease his nervousness and continued on to where he was assigned to go once ready, the direction opposite of Cu.

He tried to shake his brother out of his mind but with no success. Cu had always protected him after their father passed away in battle, but soon it would end. He would need no more protection. He would need no more aid in fighting and defending.

Suddenly, he bumped into someone, for he was not paying attention to what was ahead of him. It was hard to when that route could potentially hold his death. The sound of armor clattering against the floor sounded just as it had done when Diarmuid was kicked to the ground by his brother during his training only moments before.

He looked down to only be surprised by the slim figure on the ground. Blonde hair tied up into a bun, armor covering a dress, and a sheathed sword at her side – a small woman could be seen. Diarmuid was surprised to see a woman such as the one in front of him, who looked like she was only five feet tall, in such attire.

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