A Path Chosen

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Please, my brother

Whatever you do, do not become a warrior,

Don't take the path that Father and I did.

I'm begging you.

You do not want to follow that path in life.

I don't want you to follow that path in life.

Please, don't do it.

I can't...I can't lose you.

The blue-haired Irishman froze for a small moment before walking onto the balcony. About thirty men stood on the structure, telling the warrior that there were about the same number of simple knights who were brave enough to participate in the fight. Although thirty was a rather small number, it was still quiet large for a battle like this.

Cu walked up to the railing at the edge of the balcony and leaned against it. He sighed audibly and said a small prayer to keep Diarmuid safe. Suddenly, he heard a voice speaking to him. "Ready for the fight?" the man, who looked to be from Liken, questioned him.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. My little brother is down there, so I am rather uneasy", the Irish lancer replied truthfully with a small, worried smile.

"Ah, yeah, I understand that feeling. My own younger brother is down there as well, ready to fight. But, I have loads of confidence that he'll be chosen as a warrior today", the light brown-haired male told him. "Do you not have confidence in your younger sibling?" The man leaned against the railing like Cu.

"I do have confidence in him. It's just that I am worried for his safety. He's all I have left."

"Makes sense. The name's Zeon Erikin by the way, warrior of the queen of Liken, Likenia", the tall male, who was about the same height as Cu, introduced, holding out his hand for Cu to shake.

"Cu Chulainn Ua Duibhne, warrior of the King of Ireland, Fionn", Cu responded with a nod, grabbing Zeon's hand and shaking it. Zeon's jaw dropped at the introduction. He then gave a small bow.

"Ah, it's such an honor to meet you. I have always wanted to meet you ever since I first heard of your victories and power in battle. Although, I never would have guessed that I would meet you here of all places", he told the other warrior. Cu laughed, causing Zeon to give him a confused expression. "Did I say something funny?"

"Haha, sorry. No, you didn't. I was just laughing, because I'm just a normal warrior like you. There's no need to bow. It's not as if I am a noble or a king", answered Cu. Zeon smiled.

"Yes, but you are the legendary Cu Chulainn. You may be a warrior like me, but you are way above me when comparing us in strength!"

"I can't really say anything on that since I've never seen you fight, but I'm sure you're just as strong as any other warrior out there. But changing the subject, do you know what exactly they are up against? I have heard many things about this arena holding the most brutal of fights, but what exactly are they going to fight?" asked the Irish male.

Zeon's focus was changed, and he turned his attention to the arena. "Most of the time they send in familiars created by magi. They are supposed to be incredibly strong and hard to..." the Likenian stopped, realizing that finishing that sentence would not be a good idea. Cu was already worried enough about his brother; he wouldn't want to make him worry even more. Zeon coughed an awkward cough, "sorry. I don't think I should finished this sentence."

Once again, the other male beside him sighed. "It's fine. I should have known from the start." There was a moment's silence between the two before Zeon spoke up.

Of A King's Knight and Tearsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें