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Author's Note: Hey, everyone. Sorry for not uploading in a really long time, but I had way too much to do, and not enough time to fit it all in. Anyway, for now, I am not going to upload this story anymore. I had a huge, eloborate story planned, but then I just kind of stopped my creative writing flow. I have been working on a new story for a while (that story is mainly the reason why I have temporarily stopped writing this one), and I just want a change.  I hope you guys will check it out when I upload!

Chapter Seven: Reunited


            I woke up to see Skye knocking on my cell door.

            “Can I come in, William? I need to talk to you.”

            Why would she ask to come in, when she had the keys to my cell? “Um, sure. Why?”

            She walked in, nearly tripping over the threshold. “I need to introduce you to someone.” 

            “Her name is Vanessa. She is an inmate here. I must warn you; she is…unusual.”

            Vanessa. Vanessa? Is it her? I had given up searching for her a few years ago. I had accepted the worst. That she was dead. But…is it possible?

            “What does she look like?”

            “William! I thought that you would not think about looks! You seemed like a person who would look deeper than the face!”

            “No! I meant that I wanted to know what she looked like, because she might be someone I know.”

            “Oh, well, um, she has long, curly blonde hair, has a pixie face, and is close to eighteen years old.”


            Skye knocked on a cell door. “Vanessa? Can I come in? I have someone I would like you to meet. He says he might know you.”

            I heard a timid “Okay” from the other side of the door.

            When Skye opened the door, the girl I saw there looked like she was dead. When I saw her face, I thought I was seeing a ghost. Was that really her? But, that’s not possible…


            Her cold eyes snapped onto mine. The next thing I knew, she was on her feet, in front of me. “William, William, William… Oh, how I have missed you! I gave up hope that you or Florence would find me.”

            “Well, I was searching for you for several years, but it never occurred to me that you would be in bedlam! By the way… Why are you here?”

            “Mother and Father took me here in the middle of the night in 1904. They found out about…me.”

            “How am I so foolish? Florence was always telling me that I never saw the obvious. Where else would you go? Where else would they send a nine year old?” I was shaking with fury. All of these years, wasted, searching schools, orphanages, even graveyards, trying to find Vanessa, when I could not see what was in front of me the whole time! I could have had her out of here years ago! She could have a husband, a family, she could-

            “Shh, William, it is alright. I am fine. I know what you are thinking. There is no need to fret.”

            I had completely forgotten about Skye. Turning around, I saw her. She was leaning against the door, with tears in her eyes.

            “Skye? Are you well?” It was not me who asked, but Vanessa.

            “What? Oh—yes, yes I am. I am just trying to remember the last time I saw my mother and father.”

            “One day, William and I will be set free, and we will reunite you with your family.”

            “Yes, one day.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2012 ⏰

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