Ch 89. Nails In My Head

Start from the beginning

"I just think that it was great of you being able to act sober while being all drunk like you were yesterday! You're good." he explained. I wrinkled my eyebrows.

"I had to... Or I'd be the center of the attention again."

"But remember this." he gestured me to get closer. When his breath could reach my ear and I felt how warm the air was around him he whispered "Never trust anyone in the entertainment business."

I never thought of it from that point. Of course other new artists wants to drag the competition. I'm the enemy to her. How could I be that stupid? She even told me that she was new.

"I'm so stupid." I sighed. He was smirking but he turned this matter to something to laugh at and it was relieving. But this was only the start between us. Not Darrén and I, I mean Nina!

I won't trust her anymore, and this time I'll see her as my enemy just like she did, the only difference was that she had sense enough to wear a mask(not literally...). She kind of reminded me of May. The way she could easily act and hide such evilness. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating but excuse me, who gives a sixteenyear-old girl liquor when she asks for a drink without alcohol?! Not me. Not anyone with sense. Okay, she might be all obsessed with dragging down other that will compete with her to get to the top but that's just low.

"Do you have a computer around here?" I asked Darrén. He nodded.

"Want me to get it for you?" I nodded with a smile because I knew that he read my thoughts perfectly, as I was sitting here feeling awful. Remind me to never drink again. Well, I didn't intend to anyway.

"Thanks." I said when he put down the computer as slow and soundless as possible. He sure knows how it's done.

"You've been drunk before?" I asked him, pushing the open button.

"Some times."

"When?" The computerscreen flashed my eyes and that horrible sound when it just opened wanted to rip off my ears. God, I've never experienced anything like this.

"After the thing with Kevin. I just went along with some guys from middleschool when I went to a normal public school." he told me. It was probably about the girlfriend that couldn't take his parents. I looked down. I shouldn't had brought this up.

"I bet you were really popular at your old school!" I smirked to bring the topic to the other way. He chuckled.

"Not really." he gave me that nervous tone of denying.

"Don't give me that crap! You're a model after all! I bet girl's swarmed like a sea around you!" I laughed.

"All right, okay!" he gave up. "But it wasn't anything I really wanted so I just ignored them." I smiled.

"That's so you."


"Feeling better?"

"Totally!" I jumped out of the couch with a wide smile. I felt better and I was wondering what happened yesterday. "And did I do anything yesterday? I don't remembering anything after I talked with Taylor Swift..."

What scared me was how he froze. A second ago, he was so relaxed and just carefree but now he had turned into a stiff statue. "You fainted but I came in time and took you back." he said with a suspicious tone, glancing my way with worried eyes. What is up?

"Seeing you looking like that, I know that something else happened." I told him but he denied it as much as he could. It was suspicious. "Don't try to hide it like that, it makes me want to know even more!" I whined.

"Then..." he said. "I'll tell you the day you understand."

"When I understand?" I repeated. When I understand?! I do understand! I understand Darrén the best! "I understand!" I told him.

"No, not really." he smirked. "Everyone in school probably understand me better than you do!" he joked. It wasn't fun. I couldn't laugh a that. I was so close to Darrén, yet that comment made me being pushed hundred miles away.

"So you're even closer to those in your class than me?" I said, looking down. I was too ashamed. I had thought that we were the best friends or whatever we are in the world, but hearing that from him made my thoughts freeze.

He suddenly became all stiff. I knew that he was just joking but I couldn't help taking some damage. "No! I don't mean it in that way!" he practically yelled to get it out fast. "But sometimes..." he mumbled and even if I knew that he didn't mean to let me hear that, I still did. I was so frustrated. Was everything I had thought about the two of us been a lie from the beginning? I didn't want to believe in it. But it may have been what he had always thought. He was acting along with me smiling beside him.

Could it really had been like that? I doubted it. But after hearing that coming from his mumbling, I felt unsure and couldn't believe in the Darrén that always stood next to me, saving me when I needed it. I couldn't act. I couldn't smile and pretend that I didn't hear it.

I rushed out slamming the door. I didn't want to see how his face looked like with me acting like that.


Uh... I'm being mean hahaha xD

Sarah Montana Living In The Boys' DormWhere stories live. Discover now