Chapter 1: The Start

Start from the beginning

"Hey, I've seen you, you're the one all the girls fawn over." The two twins said in unison.

I didn't wish to be burdened with the reminder that I couldn't be left alone for even one minute without being trampled on by those fangirls, I'd only been here a week and yet the girls were already head over heels in love with me.

I then saw a smile creep on the tall blonde boys face. He walked towards me and stared at me, as if he was trying to burn holes into my very soul. Finally he snapped his fingers and smiled even wider in excitement. "I got it! Will you join the host club?" The blonde boy asked.

"ME?! ARE YOU CRAZY!" I hastily covered my mouth but it was too late, I had spoken my mind and the blonde boy probably thought I was pretty rude.

"I see. You're not a proper gentlemen yet. Let me teach you a few rules about how to be a gentlemen. First you must learn some manners. Manners are the number one rule into becoming a gentlemen and impressing the ladies." He ranted on.

I face-palmed and shook my head in disbelief. "I don't want to impress the ladies. I just wanted to get away from them." I announced, suddenly finding the courage to speak.

"Well then, seems like we have to add another homosexual added to the family." The blonde boy had concluded.

"Another homosexual?!" I yelled, embarrassed and angered. "How dare you! You don't know me!" I blushed and crossed my arms.

"What type of boy do you like? The cold silent type, the boy Lolita type, the cool type, the mischievous type, the charming type or the natural type." The blonde boy had pointed to each of his friends standing behind him in turn. He made his way towards me and placed his hand under my chin.

I quickly pushed him away and tried to sneak away towards the door. "I don't like any of those! I'm not that type of person! Look, I just wanted a place to hide. I'm sorry I intruded I'll just be going now." I said trying my hardest not to stutter.

As I was about to leave I was pursued by another blonde boy. He was almost child-like. He had big brown eyes and was carrying around a stuffed bunny. He was very much shorter than me, and much cuter. "But can't you stay Lucian-chan? Me and usa-chan wanna eat some cake with you!" He said with bright eyes while tugging on my baggy sweatshirt.

"No, I don't want to be here. And what's with Lucian-chan?! Aren't you younger than me?" I asked, gaining some confidence to speak up.

"Oh, okay." He said glumly as he slowly made his way back to the group of really strange boys.

I backed up and slowly made my way out of the music room, when suddenly, being the clumsy person that I am, I tripped over thin freaking air and land on a random person. I heard a thud and a crash. I rubbed my head and stood quickly. I turned to find I had run straight into a young delivery man who had been carrying very fine china. Amongst the ceramic pieces of the cups, there were many unique varieties. I swallowed hard as I turned to face the group of people I had wanted to evade.

That china could not have been too expensive right? I hoped as I quickly spoke up to keep from awkward silence. "I can clean this up!" I stated quickly.

"Lucian. You must have figured out by now that that china wasn't cheap." I heard the raven color haired boy speak up from behind you as me struggled to pick up shards of broken glass.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... look, I just wanted to get out of here. I didn't notice the man. I'm just very clumsy." I tried to explain. Everyone was silent as they all stared at me in shame. The boy with his black raven hair glared at me slightly and returned to his notebook. Haruhi seemed like she could feel my pain. Perhaps something similar had happened to her and that's why she's stuck here? I felt really bad, and sorry about the incident. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to waste your china. How much was it? I'll pay you the money that was spent on it." You tried to reason.

The taller blonde boy stood up and walked toward me. "Well since you destroyed our fine china, you will have to pay for it and you certainly can't pay the price! Just by the way you dress I can tell you have no money. A commoner, just like our beloved Haruhi. So, we will begin with teaching you elegance and manners and so starting today you are a host!" He pointed dramatically at me.

I felt myself pale. I knew I could pay it but I didn't want to blow my cover. My knees went weak and I felt as if I couldn't stand. What have I done?!

 What have I done?!

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