Chapter 20 Close Your Eyes

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...Demetri snakes his hands around your waist delicately, pulling you against his own body and kissing your hair tenderly.

'I will not let anything happen to you _____. Stay with me and I will offer you the world.'


Water...from somewhere you couldn't see, you could hear water dripping down....

Oh.... How much you longed for some water...

...Demetri's words were echoing inside the empty spaces of your mind, reverberating like gunshots inside the complete silence of your conscience... They were positively deafening and unbearable to hear, much less when you tried to bring the certain memory back in front of your very own, tired eyes... The seriousness and determination with which he uttered those words filled your heart with pain and desperation, yet you couldn't find yourself able to hate the man because of the sincerity with which he uttered them. Uneasily, you try to swift, only for a piercing pain to shoot through your arms and legs...

The pain was immense and it had a chain reaction with your brain, which popped your eyes open and made your lips half-open into a silent scream of utter terror... Your vision was severely clouded, making you unable to make out where you were and what was hurting you. Chains rattled somewhere close to you, their metallic sound bringing back memories you would rather forget for the rest of your life.




...It had been quite a while since you and Demetri came back to Voltera; actually, you had completely lost all sense of time since you were brought down into the dark dungeons, since there was not a single window to make out if it was day or night. Everything was cold around you, with the air reeking of mould, blood and rotting flesh; at first the stench made your stomach turn and you even vomited a few times, but right now you could barely remember how fresh air smelled like. The rest of the prisoners around here remained silent for the most part, with only one of them in a cell quite away from yours, screaming every now and then in his sleep; when he did that, the metallic aroma of blood soon reached your nose along with biting sounds, as the man bite down into his own flesh. It unnerved you at first, but now it didn't......

Right now, your hands were suspended one on your left side and one of the right; too high for you to be able and step on the cold floor with nothing but your toes. You had remained in the same position for what appeared to be days; at first your shoulders hurt you like hell and with even the slightest of moves soaring pain would blind you and make you scream, trying your best to relieve the pain from your shoulders by standing more straight up on your toes but it was when sleep sneaked close you were unbearably tormented. Now, you could no longer feel anything from your shoulders up and from the strange position of your torso, you would say that your bones were dislocated... It didn't matter; at least it didn't hurt as much... Purple and blue bruises were adorning your once perfect skin, while dried up blood had stained your face, in the places where it cascaded a millennia of years before. And don't forget that your left leg was severely broken, the white bone protruding through the flesh in various places, but you couldn't do anything; you couldn't feel anything.

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