Chapter 6 The Road Of No Return

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Holding onto Alice's hand for seemingly dear life, you allowed your best friend to lead you behind Bella, Edward and Jane, leading you further and further inside this hell of a medieval castle. Even if you weren't a vampire yourself, you were absolutely positive that you were able to hear your own heartbeat, beating abnormally loudly inside your chest, not only reacting to your growing terror –which you had no way to hold back- but also to the constant threat that the new bloodthirsty vampires posed to you. Who knows if they were just leading you further inside to rip your heads off, away from any preying human eyes? For all that you knew, you couldn't trust those son-of-a-b!tches one single bit.

The moment this thought formed into your mind, you saw Edward turn and give you a brief, stern gaze, reading your thoughts and by the way his hand tightened instinctively around Bella's waist, you knew that you were in for some serious danger. You could feel it deep down in your guts as the hallway you were walking on started becoming more and more narrow and the light seemed to abandon you. You didn't know where you were going and honestly, didn't want to know either, so the steady hand of Alice was your only ray of hope that was stopping you from turning around and making a run for it.

Yet, even if you were unable to hear them, you knew that Felix and Demetri were walking right behind you, making sure that no attempts to run off would be made. You could clearly feel a pair of sharp eyes burning your back away, so by the nonchalant wolf-whistle that Felix was producing, you knew that it was Demetri that was watching you curiously. Unwillingly, you felt a shiver go down your spine and your conscience to be driven to the edge; your brain struggled to figure out what had made you the center of his attention, something that couldn't possibly be good. Maybe he had noticed a little 'trick' you had applied to yourself right when you passed through that doors; a little trick that would either protect you or kill you. If you were out in the open, you would have already turned and slapped him to stop doing that, but the dark and narrow path inside what appeared to be Roman–built sewers, which were now possibly used as a subterranean network into and out of the castle, couldn't allow you that.

The walls were dripping with moisture and the air was heavy with humidity, making the cold penetrate your skin like a sharp arrow and you tighten your grasp onto Alice, before you realize that she couldn't provide you with the much needed warmth your body craved for; where the hell was Embry when you needed him? Yet, you were vaguely aware that the cold was helping soothe the pain that suddenly resonated from your bitten left hand and your almost cracked head. So it was a win-and-lose situation here.

At some point Edward and Alice had a little chat, but your brain chose not to pay any attention whatsoever as you finally entered the completely dark and cold sewers. Now, you were completely freezing, your whole body shaking violently due to the humidity and in a desperate attempt to get some heat, you let go of Alice and wrap your hands around your own body trying your best to keep the warmth it resonated for yourself. It was extremely hard not to allow your teeth to chatter together and the extreme temperature that you were facing made your mood quite irritable, if you also add the constant stares you felt coming from Demetri, which made pure anger bubble up inside of you.

For his good looks, he sure as hell was annoying.

So when you hear an amused chuckle, you were pretty tempted to turn around and punch him.

'I wonder; will you, fragile human, die if you stay here a little bit longer?' he observes from right behind you, his voice calm but clearly amused.

'I have th-the same question. If I lit you o-n f-fire, will I warm myself up e-enough?' you throw angrily at him, your voice coming out in a low growl.

He chuckles even more 'Mmmm, a feisty one.'

'Wait till you see me mad.' You growl, as you finally reach a brightly lit hallway.

The walls were completely white, with the floor carpeted in a dark gray color. The usual rectangular fluorescent lights were spaced evenly along the ceiling and it was much warmer here, for which you were surely quite grateful about. This hall seemed welcoming to say the least, in comparison to the cold sewers that you passed before. The massive oak door ahead of you was obviously leading to an elevator, in which the little girl named Jane was waiting. Alice grabbed your hand discretely and pulled you beside Bella, as she and Edward stood on the sides, obviously trying to protect you and keep you away from the two guards and the girl. You didn't fail to notice that Edward wasn't leaving Jane out of his sight, his jaw clenched hard, but Alice didn't seem to be sharing his concerns.

When the elevator doors closed, you kept your gaze focused right in front of you, but still were able to see Demetri looking at you with his leisure, not bothering whether or not someone saw him and with Felix smiling crookedly to his comrade for reasons unknown. Still, it only helped with stirring your anger and uneasiness more.

Thankfully for your sanity and wellbeing, the elevator ride was short; so when you stepped out, you found yourself into what looked like a posh office reception area. The walls were paneled in wood, with the floors being adorned with a luxurious deep green carpet. Instead of windows, there were large, brightly lit paintings of the Tuscan countryside hung everywhere as replacements, something that enhanced the feeling of no escape inside your already worried mind. In the middle of the room was a high, polished mahogany counter and behind it, stood......a woman that was as human as you and Bella.

She was a bit taller than you, with wheat colored skin and filled with kindness blue eyes. She was wearing a dark brown dress that complimented her slim waist and the moment all of you entered, she stood up and smiled politely.

'Good afternoon, Jane,' she said.

Jane nodded. 'Gianna.'

You opened your mouth to ask, but Bella beat you into it this time 'Does she know?' she asked, her head turning to meet with Edward's black eyes.

'Yes.' The answer in all its simplicity, shocked you.

'Then why?.....she wants to be..' Bella almost held her breath.

'And she will be.' Demetri commented from behind you.

'This is pure suicide.' You comment bitterly, watching Gianna from the edges of your vision, but before anyone had the chance to make another comment, Jane pushes a set of dark, metallic double doors and you all pass inside a vast, round room.

For a single second, you really thought that you had stepped inside another century; maybe you had traveled back in time to the Roman era, because the majestic room that towered well above your heads was something out of a total dream. The ceiling was arcing well above you, with bright windows allowing the sunlight to enter and illuminate the white surfaces like they were made from the purest and rarest white marble that was in existence, reflecting the light into small, breathtaking rainbows. The columns that supported the ceiling had the Latin numerals, while the floor was decorated in black and white tiles.

'Sister! We send you out to bring back two and....two half?' a voice resonates inside the majestic room.

It was only then that you realized you were not alone and there was a boy standing right in front of Jane, a few meters away. He was wearing a pearl grey suit and his resemblance to Jane was somewhat extreme, with the only differences being that he had short brown hair and was a bit taller than Jane. Both of them were angelically beautiful and threatening, all at the same time.

'What a happy surprise!' another voice said happily 'Bella is alive, after all!'

Averting your gaze from Jane and the boy, your eyes focus on three figures that were sitting on what seemed like thrones.

The one sitting on the right was clearly on his early 20s and his hair was silky blonde, almost matching his pale skin that was so white, it reminded you of chalk being almost translucent. With a fairly charming appearance, his eyes were in a shade of dark red, though they somehow appeared cloudy or milky, coming in total contrast with what you had seen in the other vampires you had encountered. Their deep shade were not as luxurious as the one Demetri had, and for some reason, it stirred an unpleasant feeling inside of you, that was only enhanced, since the blonde man's expression reminded you of someone that had something that smelled awful permanently stuck under his nose. He was looking at all of you as if his gaze would set you on fire.

Moving to the complete other side, was the epitome of melancholy. The man that was definitely in his mid 40's had black hair up to his shoulder, with an average build. His white skin was translucent with a papery texture just like the blonde one and his red vampire eyes had the same haziness, yet he was so expressionless and uninterested about everything that was unfolding right in front of him, that the blurriness of his eyes was only enhanced in a strange way. There was sadness radiating off this man, which only made you somehow sad. You didn't know why, you just felt like that.

Then, there was the third one that was standing right in the middle and was now making his way towards Bella and Edward. His skin was white as well, like onionskin, and it looked just as delicate—it stood in shocking contrast to the long raven black hair that framed his face majestically, making him look a bit younger than he probably was. He had an average build, being 5'10" tall and the way he moved was so graceful, that it almost seemed like he was floating on some kind of cloud, not even touching the ground under his feet. His eyes were in the very same shade as the two others.

He reached Edward with a few long strides and kept the same bright smile on his face 'I love happy endings.' He proclaimed and took Edward's hand on his own gently, making Bella reach out instinctively to retreat her lover's hand 'They are so, so rare.'

For a few seconds, death-like silence fell over all of you.

'La tua cantante!' the man exclaimed suddenly 'Her blood appeals to you so much, it makes me thirsty. How can you fight it?'

'Not without a struggle.' Is the only answer Edward gives him, before he slightly turns his head towards you and Bella 'Aro can read all the thoughts you ever had. With only one touch.'

This sounded more sinister than it should. So when Aro's head turns and nails itself on you, you can't help but take a small step back, your lungs trapping the air they had inhaled inside of them. Your heart immediately starts to run a marathon, which was something you were not welcoming right at that point.

'You...' he exhales pointing at you 'You are a strange one.'

Alice hand tightens inside yours 'W-what do you mean?' you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.

You didn't fail to see the step he takes closer to you 'You have no scent. I can clearly hear your heartbeat, but there is absolutely no scent to accompany it. So peculiar for a human, don't you think sweetheart?' he purrs and smiles to you.

You gulp hard 'I-I guess it happens.'

His head tilts to the side a little bit, but the smile never leaves his lips 'Happens? Maybe...'

'Now you've learnt everything Aro. Let's get this over with.' Edward suddenly speaks up and you almost exhale deeply when Aro's attention averts back to the couple.

'You are quite the soul reader yourself Edward.' He answers to the obviously on attack mode man, no matter how much Edward tried to hide it. He was worried and you completely understood him. 'Except for Bella. Fascinating. I wonder....let us see if she is immune to all our powers.' He smiles and then turns to the blonde girl with a smile 'Shall we Jane?'

The smile that was on Jane's lips meant nothing but danger and you knew it. But before you had the chance to even register what was happening, Edward was faster.

'NO!' he screamed and lunged at Jane, who only smiled more and whispered one word.


The word left her angelic lips as a lullaby sang by the angels themselves, but there was nothing as angelical when you averted your eyes over to Edward, your mind and body completely frozen by the adrenaline that was coursing hard through your veins, letting you know that hell was about to break loose. And you were right. Before anyone could react, before anyone could jump between them, before your own body could finally tense up at the threat and react to help your friend, Edward was on the ground. No one had touched him, no one had done anything else but look at him, yet he was on the stone floor screaming in obvious unbearable pain. Jane was smiling only at him now, and it was obvious that whatever she was doing had a massive effect on the man, who was tossing and turning, hugging his sides as if he was afraid that they would be detached from his own body.

'Stop! Don't! Please! Stop!' Bella shrieked, her voice echoing in the silence of your own mind, jumping forward to put herself between them, but Alice threw her arms around her in an unbreakable grasp and ignored her struggles.

Though, no one had thought to restrain you.

In what seemed like a slow motion movement, inside the complete coldness and numbness that your brain provided you with, you suddenly see your arms fling in front of you and your body to race towards Edward. It was as if you were seeing yourself through a dark tunnel that had completely devoured your eyes, making you see everything as if you were a simple bystander inside your own body. Your knees come in hard contact with the ground, as you kneel beside him and grab him by the edges of his red robe, desperately trying to find a way to help him out. The poor soul was continuing to scream, but upon seeing that you were beside him, tried to restrain his movements so that he would hurt you by accident. In that single moment, the only thought that passed through your mind was that Edward was too kind for his own good. The man that had helped you survive James and even brought in the best doctors to make sure you were going to survive was now lying right in front of you, in the worst pain that was humanely possible. And you couldn't do anything about it.

'NO! STOP IT! PLEASE! PLEASE!' Bella continued to scream, making you raise your head towards Aro, who was looking at the scene unfolding right in front of him with a small smile on his lips.

'Stop it Aro! You proved your point! Please stop her!' this time, it was your own voice that begged the leader to end your friend's torture. Yet, he only continued to smile.

You turn to Edward, who only continues to scream and toss around, tears bubbling on the edges of your eyes in his sight. You never cried; not the worst situations brought tears to your eyes, but even now, the small drops of water refused to stream down your face, no matter how much you wanted them to. Jane was continuing with her torture and even if you turned and begged her to stop as well, nothing had come out of it.

'______ DO SOMETHING PLEASE! MAKE THEM STOP!' Bella now turned to you, hot tears streaming down her face.

What was she telling you? What could you possibly be able to do to stop your friend's torture and save him from this hell? Turning to Edward, you see that his black eyes are for the first time since you met him, unfocused and hazy. He was losing it in there, since the continuous pain was doing nothing good to him, but what the hell were you supposed to do? How was your frozen brain capable of ending all this?

'STOP IT ______! SAVE HIM! SAVE HIM FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! DO IT!' Bella screamed, fighting Alice who had begin to have troubles keeping her there.

'WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? WHAT CAN I DO?!' you scream in response 'STOP IT THE F*CK NOW JANE!' you demand from the small girl, who doesn't even register your existence.

'SAVE HIM NOW ______!'

Then your brain clicks.

Inside this hellish situation, where your best friend is screaming and crying and her lover is suffering the worst kind of torture in his whole existence, your brain takes that one turn, which offers you the solution that was hanging right before your eyes, right from the start. Suddenly, there is no distress inside of you, there is no fear; there is only the way to save Edward. When your eyes blink in the next millisecond, confusion and fear are replaced by a strong wave of determination and braveness, as your hands release Edward and your brain commands your body to rise slowly, keeping your eyes locked on the small, blonde girl that was still smiling her sadistic smile. You would wipe that smile off from her face, you would make her suffer in the same way she made Edward. And you would stop at nothing to do that, as you stand on your own two feet proudly, taking a threatening step towards Jane. All sounds around you are drowned by the sound of your heartbeat that beats inside your ears, so you barely hear Alice screaming at you as you take another step towards Jane.

'_______ NO!' the petite elfish girl screams. But you have your eyes locked on Jane.

'I said' your voice comes out cold and determined, as your right hand moves to your lower left side 'LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!'

Your hand flashes forward in a fluid motion.

Time freezes.

The reaction is immediate.

A strong razor wind slash is immediately ejected from the edges of your fingertips, obeying to your every command as it rushes against the vampire girl that has come straight from hell. The wild blade is so strong, that not only makes a perfect vertical arc, but in the places where it touches the floor gently but lethally, it breaks the majestic marble, ejecting pieces of stone into every possible direction. It was as if, your own powers were fuelled by your sheer anger against the girl, magnifying to all the edges of your capabilities. The almost opaque blade is fast to reach its target.

Jane has no time to react. Before her eyes even widen with the surprise, the blade hits her straight in the chest. Her petite body is immediately injured, with her clothes being torn and a big wound appear on her chest, before her feet detach from the floor and she hits the wall behind her, with the slash breaking it in a line as well.

As you watch her small body hit the floor underneath, realization hits you like a brick wall.

You have taken the road with no return.

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